Chapter 18

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In case you were have a bad day, here's Justin winking at you. Enjoy this chapter!!

"Dumbass...she's, I got it under control...Yes I'm sure..Fine, I'll see.."

I woke up to the sounds of voices in another room. "Ugh," I groaned as I got up from the...bed? My head is pounding, and I see sheets on the floor. I look around and find a syringe on a small desk and some kind of white powder. Oh shit, I realized as I get up and run to the bathroom, closing the door gently as to not alert anyone, and grab the edges of the sink. I look up at the mirror and see a tired, dirty, and scared girl staring back. I've been drugged. Oh no, this is horrible. They raped me. Funny, I don't feel any pain down there. I don't feel anything. I sit on the gold toilet seat. This dude is rich. I hold my head in my hands and panic. Where's Itzel? What did they do to her? This is bad, really bad. HE must be so worried. I put her in danger. Me, her best friend. I can't believe this. And none of the other girls know where we are. Shit!, I think as I slap myself. WHY DIDN'T I TELL THEM!? I'm so stupid. I look for a window and see one near the shower. I can climb through it.

But you can't leave Itzel here, my conscience tells me.

But if I leave, I can get help.

What if it's too late for help?

Don't think that.

You don't even know y'all's location. How are you going to call the cops on the kidnapper if you don't know where you are??

You have a point there.

Stay, Ariana.

Are you insane?!?? What if they turn me into a hooker!?

Then you can leave and call the cops.

I stay seated on the toilet seat, debating whether or not to escape. Suddenly, I hear a deep voice.

"Where is she?" it asks calmly.

"In the bathroom, probably," responded another deep voice.

"Well, go check, smartass," Deep Voice #1 yells.

I see the doorknob turning and hide behind the door. Smart, I know. The door opens, and out pops a head. Tyler's head, to be specific.

"Here, girly. I'm not gonna hurt ya." I lean against the wall. "I know where your friend is. Itzel, such a lovely name. I love her a lot." The hell? He is obviously crazy. He looks behind the door and spots me. I attempt to run, but he grabs me by the elbow and pulls me toward the bedroom. He shoves me onto the bed. "Stay there," he snarls while aiming a gun at my chest.

"Why are you doing this?"

He shoots the space next to me. I stay quiet.

A man about 5' 10 comes into the room and crosses his arms, making his muscles bulge. Oh damn. He looks like Justin, but with more facial hair and a serious expression on his face.

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