Chapter 11

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She looks so cute in this picture!! Want to achieve that one day. Anyways, hey!!! It has been more than 4 weeks since I updated, I know. I completely forgot about the story and I was on summer break so yeah. I am in an engineering program for the summer, and that is the reason I won't update as often as I used to. Don't worry, I'll try to update every 2 weeks or so. OOHH!! Follow my friend @horrraaannn, my real life friend, not only an internet friend.


The jet took off and soon enough, we saw the skyline of L.A. It was already 7:48, and had about 2 hours left on the date. I was happy to be back home. Hopefully, there are more good surprises left on the date. When we landed, Justin took my hand and lead me out of the plane and into a limousine. I rolled the window down, happy to enjoy the cool, relaxing breeze L.A. had to offer. We started heading out and suddenly, the shrieks of girls of all ages started to form.


Justin covered my ears and rolled up the window.

"Let go of me!," I protested, trying to push away from his iron-like grip.

He let go. I started to catch my breath. "What the hell was that?"

"I rolled the window up."

"Oh I didn't know that! Tell me something else, genius."

"It was nothing."

"Then why were those girls saying your name?"

"Because I'm Dj Khaled?"

"Oh god," I said while rolling my eyes.

"I told you I look like that Justin Bieber dude. I wasn't lying."

"You're hiding something. And I'm going to find out." I said in a playful tone.

"Fine, you got me. Just please don't tell ANYONE. You have to promise. Ok?" He leaned forward and held out his pinky. Well that escalated quickly.

"I promise." I linked my pinky with his, nervous about what he was going to say.

"Alright. I haven't told anyone this, but here it goes." He took a deep breath and motioned for me to lean forward.

"Looking like Justin Bieber is a major key. They don't want me to be his clone. But I am. Bless up." He whispered in my ear.

"Justin!" I said while he laughed.

"Oh man. That was priceless! You looked all serious and shit. You thought!" He kept laughing until Bob, the driver, said we arrived.

"Thanks, Bob. Here's a small bonus for dealing with my bad jokes." He handed him 12 100-dollar bills. Damn, is he rich.

We got out of the car and walked over to a bench. "I didn't know you like parks." I said while taking in the playground full of little kids and the big trees. "I expected us to be in Beverly Hills, shopping the rest of the date."

"I would take you shopping, but you look tired. So why not the park?" He slouched a little and closed his eyes. I stared at the sky, a vivid black on top that slowly faded to bright orange on the bottom. The North Star and other stars were beginning to twinkle. I haven't had time to admire the sky. I've always had a thing for stars and outer space. It feels nice to admire it.

"Sorry. About the thing back there. It gets annoying after a while."

"A while? This has been going on?"

"Yeah," he massaged his neck. "Girls have come up to me thinking I'm Bieber, but I tell them I'm not."

"Duh. Anyone can tell you're not. You don't even have tattoos."

"Uh yeah. Plus I hate needles."

"Same. I get nervous and think the doctor wants to kill me."

He laughs. "Well that makes two of us."

I smile and closed my eyes. I have been so stressed out with school and The Incident; I needed this bad. I have hope that things will sort out.

Justin turned around to face me. "Tell me something about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" I asked him.

"Well your mom sure is overprotective of you."

"Like any other parent," I respond. A light breeze flowed through the air.

"What about your dad?" He asked.

"Um. Not in the picture. My parents are divorced."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," he said.

"It's alright." A moment of silence passed.

"You wanna go get an ice cream?"

"Sure." I walked with him to a little ice cream stand and ordered strawberry in a waffle cone. He ordered vanilla.

We walked back to the bench and sat down. He told me stories of his childhood, about him playing guitar on the streets and that he met Usher. "Woah, THE Usher? As in 'If you wanna scream yeah, let me know and I'll take you there' Usher? OH MY GOD FOR SERIOUS?!?! Do you have a picture, or an autograph? Did he give you a big tip, or a contract, or something?!?"

"Ok, first, calm down. Second, no, he had already signed Justin Biever-"


"Whatever, him, and he just wanted to meet a street singer. That's all."

"Oh. But it would have been cool if he had signed you. Imagine where you'd be."

"Yeah." He went quiet. "Listen, I might not make it big, but.." He looked around and spotted a man with a guitar. He walked over there and gave him...Money? The man gave him the guitar and Justin came walking back, playing a few notes. He sat down. " I wrote a song and have been kind of practicing it." He started to play.

"You gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty. You know I try but I don't do too well with apologies. I hope I don't run out of time, could someone call a referee? Cuz I just need one more shot at forgiveness. I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice. By one or twice, I mean maybe a couple of hundred times  So let me, oh let me, redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonight. Cuz I just need one more at second chances. Yeah; is it too late now to to say sorry? Cuz I'm missing more than just your body. Oohh; Is it too late now to say sorry? Yeah I knooow that I let you down, is it too late to say sorry now?"

I was flabbergasted. He sounded exactly like Bieber. "I didn't know you could sing. Why do you hide your talent? Dude. You sound exactly like him."

"So I've been told. And again, I'm sorry for what happened back there," he said.

The sun was setting and the clouds turned that usual salmon color. Justin kept staring into my eyes. I felt a few butterflies.

At around 9:15, he took me home. Both of us were really tired, and I wanted to rest. When we got to my house, he gave me a small envelope. "What is it?" I asked.

"Open it." I opened it and it was a card filled with 100-dollar bills. There were at least 40. "I can't accept this. Take it, it's your money." He shook his head.

"No. I didn't get to take you shopping, so here's some money to do so. I don't take no for answer."

"Fine. You're going too overboard with me."

"I could care less," he said. "As long as you love me, I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold," he sang.

"Oh lord." I couldn't help but smile. I got out and entered my house. I saw Justin take off and closed the door. I went upstairs, took a shower and brushed my teeth. As I got into bed, I realized that maybe those butterflies I got weren't from the ice cream. Maybe I was starting to fall in love with Justin...fuck.

Did you enjoy it? Hopefully it makes up for the time I was away. What stood out to you and why? SAY IT IN THE COMMENTS!! I'll keep y'all updated. Remember, SHARE AND VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!👍👍

thanks for reading!!!

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