Chapter 12

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hey y'all! Doesn't bae look gorgeous? Anyways, read my homegirl @horrraaannn fanfic called The One And Only. Commemt, vote, and share her story, as well as mine😀😀Hope you enjoy this chapter. Many surprises coming up!


"Wow." Itzel was amazed about my date with Justin. We were at lunch and were waiting for the rest of the group. "Wait, you said you saw a figure in the distance, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Weird" she said. "Unless..."

"Unless what?" She didn't finish; Shannon was coming over to our table. "Hey, Ari!!" She put her tray down and came to give me a hug. "How was your date with Justin?"

"It was roma- how did you know I was with Justin?" I asked in suspicion.

"Justin told me," she said quickly.

"Wow, you guys are close," I said. Am i jealous? She flipped her hair to the side.

"I know. Anyways, I totally get it if you want to date him. But don't keep your hopes up, sweetie." She put on a vague smirk. "You don't know what I'm capable of." We stared at each other. "Kidding! I'm seeing someone else. Celebrity related kind of stuff; Jaden Smith's cousin, three times removed. It's kind of serious."

"Spill." said Andrea, eyeing a cute guy from across the cafeteria.

And the subject was dropped. Shannon told us all about her 'fabulous and lustful' Sunday. Mariah was swooning and lapping it up. I kept an eye out for Justin. He didn't show up. Soon lunch was over and I walked to my next class. "So, are we going to the concert?" I heard Itzel come up to me.

"Uh, I don't know. English teacher said she's going to give us a crapton of homework. And you know she doesn't play around."

"Well, I do all of my homework on Friday and Saturday to not worry about it later on. You should start doing that."

"Maybe." I scanned the hallway looking for Justin. Nothing.

"Don't stress, loves," said Itzel, sensing my disappointment. "He probably has to go on a business trip or something."

"He can't even wipe his own ass; how is he on a business trip?" I asked with sassiness. I closed my locker and fixed my books in my backpack.

"I- I don't know." Her phone buzzed and she checked it. She widened her eyes, pulled my wrist, and dragged me to the girls' bathroom.

"Hey, what are yo-" She pulled me in the bathroom and locked the door.

"Check. This. Out." She showed me a headline stating: 'Justin Bieber in L.A...and with a mysterious girl???' Huh, that's strange. The girl kind of looks like...Shannon? No. That can't be right. She was getting serious with Jaden Smith's thrice-removed cousin. She didn't lie........did she? But wait. SHE IS MESSING WITH THE MOST POPULAR POP STAR OF THE CENTURY?!?!? I looked at Itzel, and we both started squealing with excitement.

We ran out of the bathroom and saw Shannon at her locker with Mariah and Andrea. We ran to her and jumped on her and hugged her. "Ok, ok," she said while laughing. "What's the big commotion about?"

"YOU SPENT THE WEEKEND WITH JUSTIN BIEBER AND DIDN'T FUCKING TELL US?!?!" Itzel and I screamed with curiosity and excitement.

"Well, that escalated quickly." said Andrea. "Yeah, did you?"

"Possibly." Shannon smirked.

"Well how was it? Did you ride his dick? Was it big? Did he send you nudes? You could totally get rich off those, ya know." Andrea asked.

"No. I didn't sleep with him," Andrea shook her head with disappointment. "I just saw him at a club and we just happened to, you"

"This is so cute. What about the OTHER Justin?" asked Mariah.

"Ariana is getting comfortable with him, plus I'm over him."

We all fangirled and tried to make up ship names.

"Shustin," said Mariah.

" This 'Shustin' " said Andrea. Her and Itzel giggled.


"Just in on ABC news," we cracked up.

"I got it!," I exclaimed. "Juson. Kind of sounds cute, no?"

"Not bad, Ari," said Shannon. "It actually has a nice ring to it. Juson.. Yeah, I could get used to that."

We dropped off Mariah and Andrea first. Afterwards, we dropped off Itzel. Soon, we got to Shannon's class.

"Well Mrs. Bieber, here is your drop off."

"Thank you, Ms. Grande, or shall I call you Mrs. Blants?"

I burst into giggles. "I'll see you after class."

I was just about to leave when Justin arrived.

"Shannon, I need to talk to you. It's urgent."

"What is it? I have 3 minutes 'til the bell rings."

Justin showed her an article from CNN: Justin Bieber has a deadly double? Justin Bieber's 'twin' brother and dangerous criminal, Jason McCann, is linked to last year's brutal Halloween teenage assault. Police have reported text messages from an unknown number telling McCann to 'finish' the 17 year old victim, Marc Krobswer. McCann has not said anything about the matter. The police are still trying to find out who is behind the unknown number. More on this intriguing story to be determined.

Oh my god. Jason McCann? But...wait, this doesn't make any sense. If he could have assaulted Marc, then there must be another witness who saw it AND is also behind DestroyerOfHerLife234. But....Jessica's hair was left near Marc's body. Jason couldn't have done anything. This doesn't add up. I tried my best not to break down just thinking about it.

"What does this have to do with me?" asked Shannon.

"That Bieber guy could possibly be linked to the murder attempt of Marc; McCann always includes Bieber in one way or another. He could go to jail. Plus, since you're in the magazines, police could think he confided in you with what happened, since you looked sooo comfy with him."

Shannon looked shocked for a moment. Then she laughed.

"Please. He didn't tell me anything. Other than I'm hot and that he wants me."

"Shannon, just...Be careful. Jason McCann doesn't seem to like the mere theory that you could be involved. He could kill you. He has alot of men, dangerous, might I include, that will kill you the millisecond he commands it."

"Pffft. Nothing will happen, ok? Plus, even if they did try to hurt me, Daddy knows really good lawyers and we can put them in jail. No big deal. Damn, you worry too much." And with that said, she marched into class.

"Man, knowing this, I am definitely going to his concert. I wonder if he's going to say something about it," I said aloud.

"You better not go, Ariana. It isn't safe. Especially with the connections I have."

"Connections? Justin, you are strange." I kissed his cheek and walked to my class.


Damn was this a crazy chapter! Questions:
-who do you think is the unknown number or dohl234?
-Did y'all catch anything interesting?
-should i add more Jason McCann(💕💞)?


thanx for reading!!!

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