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Eleanor got out of her car, with a smile plastered on her face. She had the chance to park close since there was hardly anyone at Starbucks. As she walked up to the door, a lovely young boy held it open for her. She gave him a warm smile as she walked in.

"Thank you"
"No problem ma'am" He smirked.

Eleanor rolled her eyes playfully, a young boy like him using such manners, yet she had a slight annoyance encounter her since she wasn't even above the age of 30 yet.

As she entered she noticed an unnormal amount of people. Hardly anyone was there. She didn't bother to look at the faces instead she went straight to the till to order.

Her smile continued to shine through as she made her way.

"Hi, what can I get you?"
"Large strawberries and cream" She smiles reaching in her purse for her credit. He nodded.

As soon as Eleanor payed she heard a familiar voice call her name. A low Cheshire accent voice had rang through her ears. She hadn't bothered to turn, for some reason her knees had a weakness fulfill them, she felt as if she were to turn she would keel over any second.

"Eleanor?" Harry's voice spoke up again. She turned finally.

There sat Harry, Louis and Danielle. Eleanor had never seen her in person and had thought she wouldn't ever. But could she have been more wrong. She thought she would see Louis again, but certainly not with Danielle..not like this.

Eleanor's heart skipped a beat as she felt the harsh butterflies in her stomach. She sighed in utter bitterness.

Why had Harry even bothered to call her name? Especially with Louis and his new girlfriend. Eleanor could cease to imagine what went on inside that once curly haired boy's head.

Harry motioned for her. In response she grabbed her drink as it was placed on the counter and looked in they're direction.

She bit her lip and then slowly walked towards the three. She didn't think this through. She didn't want to continue walking to them but at the same time she did.

"I knew it was you!" Harry said excitedly. "You look good" He smiled standing up from the booth. Eleanor held her drink tighter as he did so. She glanced at Louis, seeing his mouth slightly dropped. Eleanor's stomach dropped along with all her confidence.

Harry wrapped his arms around Eleanor. Within the few seconds Harry hugged her she stared at Louis in surprise then placed an arm around Harry's neck while her other hand held her drink.

"So this was the friend you were meeting" She whispers softly. "Mhm" he replies placing a hand in his pocket.

"Didn't realize you two were so close" Louis speaks up finally. Eleanor finds a slight bitterness in her mouth as she hears his voice. "We're good friends now" Eleanor manages to speak with a hoarse tone.

Louis chuckles lightly.

"It's..funny seeing you here" Eleanor cocks an eyebrow as Louis speaks. She finds the slight bitterness turn into a slight annoyance. Eleanor snorts as she sees Danielle stare at her, with wide eyes.

Eleanor hasn't even spoken to her yet but she already had the intention to slap her. "Well she does live here" Harry laughs scratching his head. Harry has his hand placed around Eleanor's waist, the only person who hasn't noticed is Harry himself. He already got used to doing it, even with the short period of time they've been with each other.

"Right.." Louis mumbles. "Babe.." Danielle finally speaks placing her hand on Louis shoulder.

Louis shakes out of Danielle's grasp in annoyance. "Sorry didn't mean to" he lies reassuring her. Danielle forces a smile and leans her head on his shoulder. Louis feels pathetic watching his ex stand in front of him looking better then ever, whilst Danielle tries to act like they're the perfect couple.

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