
216 9 1

What's up?


Lol what's wrong

Idk it's just the fact your still texting me
Don't u have other things to do?

Well I have lots of free time on break

Break for what?

Well I'm filming

Oh for Dunkirk right?

How did u know lol?

Well I saw something on Instagram

Oh yea u have Instagram
I'm boooored

Don't u have cast members to talk to


Other friends to text at least😂?

But I like talking to u

You do?....


Haha y tho

Cause your interesting

Lol I'm not interesting really.

Well if I'm still talking to u then u must be😂






Perhaps okie can be our always

Ah omg I didn't know u watched the fault in our stars😂🙈

Well yea I love romantic movies

Oh same I didn't know u did lol

Well I have a thing for romantic and chick flic movies
Which apparently makes me 'girly'🙄

Just bc u like chick flics and romantic movies doesn't make u girly
It makes u a legit girl
Jk I for one think it's interesting that you do but in a good way:)

Oh good I thought u would find me even more weird

Nah I like guys that are soft touches lol

So does that mean u like meee:)?

Read at: 12:58

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