Chapter 1 - The Prince's Return

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R-Rated - A few intense scenes and name calling.

Scarlet's POV

Hiding behind the curtain, the young girl gazed upon the scene with a certain longing and sadness filling her orbs of sky blue. Before her, Prince Stefon, a mere two years older than her, was receiving his birthday gifts. It was his special day.

Yet...It was her special day as well. She should be receiving some presents too. The girl frowned and narrowed her eyes at the young Prince, displeased with the way he was accepting the gifts. He simply opened them, discarded the lovely paper and then mumbled a small thanks or sometimes even grumbled that he already had this type, this game, this toy. He was being ungrateful.

She'd have liked to have any of those gifts, they'd have meant the world to her. Scarlet, that was her name, took one step out from behind the curtain, freezing however at the sight of a tall male figure that belonged to James. She gulped and bit her lip, a small whimper escaping her lips.

"That is ten strikes Scarlet. You know the rules." The seventeen year old, soon to be butler, scolded her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out from behind the curtains and dragging her towards the door. She glanced behind her, catching the Prince's eye, scowling at him with momentary hatred as he sneered at her as she was removed from the room she should never have been in.

I shot up in bed, feeling dizzy for a few seconds before blinking away several tears and wiping away strands of my red hair that had stuck to my face. 

That memory...I hadn't remembered that since the day it happened - my twelfth birthday. 

At first, I replay the moment in my mind, wishing I could wipe that silly sneer off of Stefon's face, but I don't have it in me to harm a fly, let alone another human. Why was I remembering that?

Glancing at the clock and shivering under the thin sheet, I mutter a curse under my breath and hop up out of bed, running to my small chest of draws and taking out my uniform. Taking as little time as possible, I make a quick change, unfortunately not having time for a wash. I had three minutes.

In tha bathroom I rinse my face with a splash of water and hurriedly tame my tresses with my fingers, tying my hair in a French plait.

Checking the clock again, I grumble, holding my stomach and mumbling to sneak myself some food before I get to work. I hurry out of my room, swiftly walking down the corridor and appearing just in time, in the hall entrance way, for my name to be called out.

"Scarlet Rose?" Just the voice makes me bite my lip.

"Here. Sir." I reply, keeping my eyes trained on the floor as James walks down the line, checking the staffs uniforms. He stops in front of me, grunting but dismissing everyone to their duties.

"Late. Again. After four whole years of knowing the routine, you still are unable to arrive on time." James, ten years more experienced than me, ten years higher than me.

"I apologise Sir." I mutter, eyes still staring down at the shoes now in front of me.


I gulp. Although I have had three years experience of...obeying James, I still feel my heart rate pick up and my breathing hitch. With a small hesitation and a glare from James, I quietly sink to my knees. My white dress, which I believe was bought two sizes too small, raises above my knees. James lifts his foot, raising it up my knee and lifting my dress up, he inspects my white lace underwear, a smirk evident on his face.

He likes me to look innocent and vulnerable. He likes me to feel shy and intimidated by his towering figure. He likes to humiliate and torture me.

"Your underwear can be removed. Now." He instructs, tapping his shoes against my lace. My cheeks redden and I make no move to remove them. "I said now Scarlet. This is a mere command, a small part of your pending punishment. You're to wear this dress for three days, no bra and no panties."

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