Chapter Nine

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Sondr - Spirits

"Where's your base? We know your shooting range but you've done well at hiding your base." David asks as Craig shuffles on nervous feet. Tyler just bows his head again and closes his eyes, locking his jaw and refusing to speak. "Where is your base?" David snarls, rubbing the knuckles of his punching hand, trying to scare Tyler into talking. Tyler shakes his head the slightest bit and Craig's teeth clamp down on his own bottom lip. David growls before reeling back his foot and kicking Tyler in the chest, sending the even taller man sprawling.

Craig winces and takes a small step back as Tyler grits his teeth together and squeezes his eyes shut, refusing to make any sound. "Tell me where your base is or so help me." David growls, and Tyler pushes himself up with his shoulders, audibly wincing as the bullet wound is shifted. "Help with what?" Tyler replies cockily, and David snarls before punching Tyler hard across the face. Tyler growls as he hits the floor again, and Craig takes yet another step back. Tyler coughs, and David smirks when he sees blood come from Tyler's lips as his gums bleed. "I was just asking a question." Tyler grumbles, sarcasm basically dripping off his tounge. "Stop being cocky and fucking talk." David snaps, and Craig swallows nervously. "I am talking. Just not in the context you want." Tyler spits, rolling onto his back and using momentum from his legs to push himself into a sitting position. David kicks Tyler's sternum with the flat of his shoe, forcing the taller to lay down harshly. Tyler grits his teeth together again, refusing to cry out as his wound bleeds again.

"David, maybe we should patch up his arm.. he'll bleed out then we'll never get answers." Craig says quietly, and David growls the in back of his throat as Tyler squirms in pain. "Fine." He huffs, stomping out of the room. Craig rushes to the wall, grabbing a medical kit and running back to Tyler after kicking the door shut, kneeling next to the bigger male. "It'll be okay.. you'll be fine.." Craig mumbles calmly as he can, cutting Tyler's shirt off and looking at the damge. The bullet wound is gushing blood, bruises across Tyler's chest fading into blues and purples. Craig gapes at how many scars Tyler already has, but decides to ignore them and save his arm.

"..Don't touch.. me.." Tyler rasps, squirming away from Craig and shaking his head. "Tyler I have to or you're going to bleed out." Craig sighs, putting a cloth in both of Tyler hands. "Sorry but this is just a precaution." Craig sighs as he places one inside Tyler's mouth, grabbing a flask of vodka before pouring it into the wound. Tyler screams around the cloth and clenches his hands tightly around the ones in his hand, squirming and trying to get away from the pain. "Tyler, Tyler please calm down. I know it hurts but I don't have anything for the pain.." Craig sighs, fumbling in the med kit before pulling out clamps and disinfecting them. He gulps as pushes down on Tyler's shoulders, using the clamps the pull out the bullet as Tyler screams and squirms. "Okay, okay, I just have to stitch you up now." Craig says as softly as he can, trying to stop his voice from shaking. Tyler shakes his head and winces, scrunching his eyes shut and biting down on the cloth. Craig carefully takes a medical needle and some stitching thread, tightly stitching up Tyler's arm.

"Okay, I'm done, you're good." Craig whispers, quickly taking some ointment and rubbing it over Tyler's bruises. He takes the cloths from Tyler's hands and wipes the sweat from his arms and face, only then removing the cloth. "I said not.. to touch me." Tyler rasps out again, growling slightly at the end. "You would have bled out." Craig replies as he packs up the kit.

"You should have.. let me die." Tyler huffs, sucking in another breath slowly and closing his eyes as his sternum flares with pain. "Wh-What?! No! I wouldn't do that Tyler!" Craig shakes his head, looking up at his friend. Tyler grits his teeth together and looks at the colorless ceiling, flexing his fingers slowly. "You did this." He replies, gesturing to his bruises with his good arm. "That was David!" Craig defends himself, standing up whilst gripping the red kit in hand. "He knew.. where we were.. how'd he know.. where we.. were.?" Tyler says quietly, closing his eyes. "I-I don't know! It's not my fault!" Craig shouts, but Tyler just presses his lips tight together and keeps his eyes closed.

Craig rolls his eyes and basically throws the medical kit onto a nearby shelf, sitting next to Tyler heavily. "I'm sorry Tyler.. I'm really, really sorry." Craig whispers as he puts his head between his legs, and Tyler grunts in response. Craig sits up slowly and sighs again, gasping against skin as Tyler rolls over on top of him and pins him down with a hand clamped over his mouth. "But I'm not." Tyler hisses between his teeth, placing a blade against Craig's neck.

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