Is this Real?

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As Morty is pulling me along beside him, my heart goes crazy, I run out of breath and I try to act cool. (Which I am really not) As we arrive at our destination, Morty sits me down next to him. I smile. He smiles. We look into each others eyes.

Mortys P.O.V
I-I can't believe I held her hand. I can't believe I-I'm going to show h-her my secret place in the library. I-I hope she likes it... M-Maybe I should kiss her? She probably d-doesn't like me.
As I sit her down next to me, o-our eyes meet, I can see she's blushing. Oh man s-she's adorable, she wouldn't like a wimp like me... As  I look away, she leans in and puts her head on my shoulder.
Okay okay don't mess u-up now. Y-You got this. "Are you okay?" I ask Y/N. "Yes. I'm great." Y/N says with such a b-beautiful smile.
I lean in for a kiss.. And she kissed back!!
As we hear more people coming to school we quickly leave and go to our lockers.

He takes me back to my locker and as he walks off he kisses me on the cheek. Ahhhhhh... I didn't know he felt that way too!! I'm never washing my cheek again. I say to myself as I pack my stuff away in my locker.

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