Crush already?

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I walk into class. "Sorry I'm late" I say and then sit down at the back. I take out my books and pencil case. I open my books and start writing down what the teacher is writing on the board. I see a girl with short hair and a blue headband turn around and she gives me the most evil stare. What did I do? I legit just joined this school today? As I'm thinking to myself everyone turns around and looks at me. Did the teacher just say my name?? Quick say something!!

I shout "4" and then the majority of the class starts laughing. The girl that gave me an evil stare shouts sarcastically  "aww haha.. She doesn't even know he own name, how sad!!" The teacher tells her off for being rude but she just rolls her eyes.

"M-My name is Y/N..." I say nervously. Some people wave and smile at me. The rest of the class don't look happy. Ugh what did I do this time!! I look to my left and I see a boy in a yellow shirt. Turns out most of the lesson I was staring at him?? I can help that he's cute!

The bell rings and the whole class leaves within 5 seconds. I pack my stuff away and walk out of the classroom as slowly as I can. I walk through the hallway looking for my locker. As I'm walking...... I fall for some reason. Ugh it's that girl again!!! As I look up at her, she says "Get used to it. Oh.. By the way.. My name is Jessica!" I can already tell she's the most popular girl in school. She's got friends, a boyfriend. What do I have? A sore knee, that's for sure. I get up and walk to my locker, I unlock it and everything falls out. "Today is my lucky day" I say to myself sarcastically.

As I'm picking up my stuff and everyone is laughing at me.. The boy that I was staring at comes up to me and helps me. "Y-You need help with that?" He says politely and picks up some of my books. I blush. "Oh... Thank you... What's your name?" I can tell he's blushing too. What a cutie. "M-Morty" he says with a stutter.

As the bell goes we say our goodbyes and I can finally breathe again. As I'm walking to my next class I can't stop thinking about Morty. He's so kind.

Morbid {Morty X Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon