J O S H L E R (#1)

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Depicts trans!tyler, unwanted pregnancy.

Tyler woke up after a night that consisted of what he would recall as a major sin in his life, though he couldn't have stopped it, the moment he had been living within, the moment that Josh had been living in, he just didn't want it to. He let his emotions, his feelings get to him. He told himself that it was fine, that tons of people like him ended up having sex before marriage, but-- it was fine, right?

Though, as he sat in his bed, next to Josh, who was sleeping in nude just as Tyler had been, something still managed to irk him. Something was still definitely throwing him off and he sure as hell didn't like it.

He couldn't think of anything-- anything that could possibly be what was causing him to feel so awkward, so unsure and off. He threw away so many other things that it could possibly be, but-- there was one thing in there that he couldn't even bring up to himself-- the mere thought of it frightening him.

One of his darkest, deeper fears, as a transguy.

But, it was the only thing that was still left.

So, gradually he started panicking.

He lightly got out of his bed, trying not to wake Josh up. He didn't really want to see him like this, panicky and nude-- he didn't really like seeing HIMSELF like this, though. Sure, he was lucky enough to have a flat chest his entire life. But, still.

Due to a deep, undying fear he ALWAYS had, he had a test that he'd always keep in a box with him, though he hid it well and no one really detected its existence to himself.

He just kind of stared at it, the bathroom door locked and his body near shivering. He never thought he'd actually have to use it, he never thought he'd actually have to stare this thing down and face it.

He couldn't.

"This is so messed up—" Tyler huffed, taking a deep breath in as he placed his free hand on his forehead, shaking his head against it when he did so, just staring at the box with utter awe. His eyes then drew down, towards the tattoo that was given to him while on stage with Josh, in front of hundreds of people who had no idea he was even trans-- oh god, how would he do this? If it happened?

How would he deal with that?

Oh, fuck.

He shook his head and started to open it, facing his fear. It was most likely just a hunch and he wouldn't even have to mention it to Josh in the time that he awoke.

So, he did it.

He said screw it, and just did it.

And, the result was definitely not what he wanted to hear, not what he wanted to see, no what he wanted to know.

His luck, right? Of course it would be positive, why wouldn't it be? After everything that happens, that's what he's given.

Oh, fuck.

Tyler practically just sat there for a few minutes with his eyes on the sign, looking it all over, constantly double checking-- turning it away and then looking at it again, all to make sure that it was for sure, not fucking with him

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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