Pass or Fail: Survival Test Part 2

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(Kazumi's P.O.V.)

I went back to the training grounds with Naruto and Sakura waiting for Kakashi who still had yet to show up. About ten minutes passed and I was playing with a stick I found and drew some random doodles in the dirt before someone snapped me out of my boredom.
"Morning everyone. Ready for your first day?" asked Kakashi finally showing his face
"Hey! You're late!!" yelled Sakura and Naruto pointing a finger at him
"Well, a black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way" he said pointing behind him as the others growl in frustration. He's getting better at his excuses, when I met him the second time he said and I quote "the sunset was so beautiful to look at but then I got sleepy and took a quick nap"
"Well, *clears throat* let's get started. Here we go, it's set for noon. Your assignment is very simple, you just have to take these bells from me. That's all there is to it. If you can't get them by noon, you go without lunch. You'll be tied to those posts and watch me eat my lunch in front of you" he said holding two bells in front of his face.

I looked at the posts and there were four set up and right when he said lunch you could hear all the stomachs around me grumbling in hunger. They all looked miserable and Naruto looked like he was going to bawl his eyes out any minute now.
"Wait a minute, there's four of us, how come there's only two bells?"
"Well that way, at least one or two of you will be tied to a post and ultimately get disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy. Then again, all four of you could flunk out too. You can use any weapons including shuriken. If you are not prepared to kill me, you won't be able to take the bells" he said doing a close eyed smile
"Those weapons are too dangerous sensei" said Sakura
"Hahahaha, especially since you couldn't dodge that eraser" said Naruto with a big grin on his face
"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them, lowest scores. Losers" said Kakashi making Naruto growl at him in anger.
"When I say 'start' you can begin" he said as Naruto took out a kunai from his pouch and ran at him. 'Always impatient' I thought. At the last second Kakashi disappeared and reappeared from behind Naruto while holding his hand behind his head aiming the kunai at himself. I also learned about his skill in speed when I had my fourth or so session with him and I charged at him like Naruto. It wasn't that I was angry with him, but I wanted to get it over with so I could go home. He did the same thing to me but instead he pointed mine at my heart after he had a firm grip on me to make sure I didn't get out of his arms.

They were all wondering how he was so fast and he finally let go of Naruto before turning to all of us. I could manage to keep up with his speed a little bit. I'm not super fast like him but I'm still working on that.

"Don't be in such a hurry. I didn't say 'start' yet. But you came at me with the full intention of destroying me, can I say this? I'm actually starting to like you guys" he said giving a closed eyed smile.
"Get ready. And....start!!" he yelled while all of us hid. I kept in the trees and concealed my chakra so he doesn't know where I am or when I want to strike. In the middle of the field was Naruto with his hands across his chest staring right at Kakashi sensei. You could almost feel the glares coming from Sakura and Sasuke wondering what the hell the thinks he's doing and to get out of there.

"You and me, right now fair and square!! Let's go!!" yelled Naruto
"You know, compared to the others, you're a bit... weird" said Kakashi
"Oh yeah? Well the only thing weird here is your hair cut" said Naruto charging after him as Kakashi reached into his weapon pouch and took out a book called 'Makeout Paradise' as he stopped in his tracks.
"Shinobi battle techniques. Part one: taijutsu, the physical part" said Kakashi as Naruto looked at him confused as he started reading his book. I remember that book, he always had it with him when he was training me and he was reading it and I sneaked up behind him and read two pages of that book and by the third paragraph, I was already blushing HARD

Kakashi found me because he sensed heat behind him and it was just me in a complete daze of what I was reading. He looked at me like I was crazy, but he ended training early that day and when I got home, Sasuke saw me and asked what was up and I REFUSED to tell him what I read in that book.

"What the--?!" he asked confused.
"What are you waiting for? Make your move"
"But..I mean..Why are you reading that book?" he asked confused
"Why? To find out what happens in the story of course. Don't let it bother you. With your weak attacks it doesn't really matter if I'm reading or whatever" he said bored.
"ARGH!! I'm going to crush youu!! Ya!" he yelled aiming a kick at him but he just raised his fist blocking Naruto's attack and when he tried kicking him in the face he just ducked under his attack.
"Now you're mine" he said punching nothing realizing he was gone
"Don't let your enemy get behind you all the time" he said making hand signs.
"Naruto, get out if there quick!! He's going to destroy you!!" yelled Sakura giving away her position
"Too late. Leaf village secret finger jutsu!!" he said sticking his fingers up his butt and pushing him off
"A thousand years of death!!" he said as Naruto flew off and I was at a loss. What was that?

"Ok, where was I?" he asked opening his book as Naruto landed in the river near by and it looked like he needed some help.
"Water style: water geyser" I said to myself and Naruto spurted out of the water and it looked like an actual geyser and he landed on his feet stumbling a bit coughing out water.
"Hmm, looks like you do have people who need to watch over you and protect you from others. You do know if you can't get a bell by noon, you will go without lunch right?" said Kakashi getting him mad.
"I know! I know! You told us already"
"You look pretty wobbly for someone who's going to surpass the Hokage" he said as Naruto's stomach growled
"You told us not to eat breakfast, how can I fight when I'm starving to death?!" he yelled as I could faintly hear the other stomachs around us growling, I heard mine too but theirs' are more noticeable than mine.

"So you caught me off guard, that's all it was. Believe it. I'm so hungry I don't have any strength. But I can't let that stop me, I gotta get one of those bells no matter what I'll find the strength somehow, believe it. I'm going to pass this test and I'm not going back to the academy. I will become a ninja" he yelled as Naruto clones came out of the water ready to tackle him to the ground.
"Haha, you're overconfident sensei, that's why you weren't ready for my shadow clone jutsu, my best jutsu" he said as I stared at him admiring he finally got it down by himself
"Hmm, looks like the stories are true. He can create shadow clones. It's a forbidden skill and he beat Mizuki with it. Great technique" he said with slight amusement in his voice
"But I don't think that you can maintain it for very long. You talk like you're the best Naruto, but you're still the worst student. You can't beat me with this jutsu" he said as a Naruto clung to his back and he stood there shocked but used the substitution jutsu and poofed away somewhere and the Naruto clones looking around in confusion. They started fighting each other trying to find out where Kakashi sensei was as I just sweat dropped as he finally poofed everyone away.

He noticed something shiny on the ground and reached for it noticing it was a bell.

"A bell? I must've got to him with my attack. He dropped a bell. Hahahaha" he said smiling at himself. I just looked at him thinking 'Do not even dare to pick up that bell. Don't do it' but naturally it was too late and he was hanging upside down by his feet caught in a rope.
"*sigh* Think before you use a jutsu. Or else your opponent might use it against you. Oh and also, if the bait is obvious, don't take it. A ninja must see through deception" said Kakashi grabbing the bell he left behind
"!!" yelled Naruto flailing around and I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from giggling.
"I'm telling you this because you don't get it, you think you get it which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?" he said back.

I took this as my chance. I used my water hand formed a puddle near by when Naruto was dripping wet and grabbed the bell from him and brought it back to me using a genjutsu replacing the bell to make him think it was there and I sneaked the bell into my pouch. 'I think I'll show myself soon. I don't want to stand around waiting. He will probably want his bell back. I bet he knew about it and let me take it so I could face him later' I thought to myself.

But out of the trees opposite of me, kunai and shuriken came out aiming at Kakashi sensei.
"Won't you ever learn?" he asked getting hit by all of them
"AH!! He just got blasted by shuriken. Are you out of your mind Sasuke? You went too far" yelled Naruto as 'Kakashi' fell backwards and poofed away as he was replaced with a log.

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