Pass or Fail: Survival Test

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(Kazumi's P.O.V.)

It had already been two and a half hours since the little 'misunderstanding' with Ino, and so far our jonin has yet to show up. Even though it was pretty obvious to me who our sensei was going to be, the others had no idea and were all getting a little impatient. Especially Naruto.

Naruto had his head sticking out the door to see if he was coming or not.
"He's late" he said looking both ways getting more irritated. I decided to keep quiet so they can ask whatever questions they have about Kakashi sensei to his face instead of me.
"Naruto! Just sit down" scolded Sakura
"I don't want to. How come our teacher's the only one late? I'm ready to roll. Believe it. The other groups already met their teachers and took off on some adventure or something. And Iruka sensei's gone too" he said
"We know. Ok?" said Sakura getting annoyed at him. Naruto had a big smile on his face and grabbed the eraser from the chalk board and grabbed a step stool and brought them to the door where he put the eraser up high and stuck it in place.
"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Sakura while Naruto had finally put it in place smiling big
"Naruto" scolded Sakura like a mother
"That's what he gets for coming late. Surprise!" he said hopping off the step stool. I was sitting next to Sasuke and watched him do what he did. I sighed at his idea of fun.

"You're asking for trouble. You know you shouldn't do that" scolded Sakura for the third time in a row. It was obvious she liked his prank idea but wanted to play innocent so she can 'impress' Sasuke by acting mature.

"Hmph. Our teacher's a jounin, an elite ninja. You think he'd fall for that?" asked Sasuke
"Yeah, Sasuke's right. You're so clueless Naruto" said backing him up. A hand gripped the door and slid it open only to fall for Naruto's prank. There was a moment of silence until Naruto started bursting out laughing saying that he got him.
"Hahahahahahaha, I got him! He totally fell for it!! Hahahaha" he shouted.
"I'm sorry sensei. I told him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen. I'd never do anything like that"she said with a fake concerned look. She thinks she's good at hiding her true self, but to me it was pretty obvious. Sasuke looked at him completely confused why he fell for his prank. Kakashi sensei might be a jonin, but when it's something as basic as meeting your new team you tend to let your guard down and don't expect it but he'll learn in time that's all Naruto does to people like him.

"Hmmmmm, how can I put this? My first impression of this're a bunch of idiots" he said with a hand to his chin. We all dead panned at his response to us. I grumbled under my breath glaring at him. He looked over at me and it looked like he was smiling under his mask.
"Hello Kazumi. Hmm, I was hoping I could train you some more. And now, I don't have an excuse to say I have to do it another time" he said telling the truth, partially.
"Yes Kakashi sensei. I agree, now you can't skip out on my training" I responded
"What the?! How do you already know this guy?!" shouted Naruto in my ear.
"That's a story for another time. Let's get moving, unless you want to be left behind" he said going back at the door. We all followed him and he lead us to the roof where we all took seats and faced him as he leaned on the railing.

"Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves one at a time?" he said.
"Introduce ourselves? Well, what are we supposed to say?" questioned Sakura, I thought it would be pretty obvious if he wants to get to know us.
"Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies. Things like that" he said crossing his arms
"Why don't you tell us stuff first? I mean before we talk, tell us about you so we can see how it's supposed to work" suggested Naruto.
"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate. Hmm, I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future, I never really thought about it. As for my hobbies, I have a lot of hobbies" he said. This guy does not change.
"But then why do I always catch you reading that kmph--" I was going to say until he interrupted me by putting a hand over my mouth.
"That will be for later. It's not very appropriate for children your age. It could scar you if you're not mature enough" he said laughing nervously.
"Then why are you kmph--" I started saying again but he only clapped his hand over my mouth tighter to make sure I said nothing. He started laughing nervously again and walked back over to the railing.
"Well, that's it for me" he said

(Flashback two years ago)

I walked to the Hokage because he decided to let me train with him today. I walked closer and I thought about some of the new things he might teach me, sometimes he does it on ninjutsu, genjutsu, or just sits there and instruct me what to do while I do all the stuff I know how to do. I don't question him because he hopefully knows how to teach me really good jutsus for the future.

'knock knock'

"Come in" he called to the door.

I walked in and there he was with a mountain of papers at his desk and he couldn't even see me until he had to look over his work.
"Ah, Kazumi. I'm sorry, but I can't train with you today. I have asked a professional jonin to train you while I finish my paper work. His name is Kakashi Hatake and he is one of the top five ANBU. He is very skilled with different techniques that you can use for future battles and has agreed to train you when I can not." he said
"I understand Lord Hokage" I said
"Good, he is waiting for you in the forest. He shouldn't be too hard to spot but he does like to sneak around sometimes, so be careful of him" he told me. I nodded and left closing the door behind me, I started walking until I reached the forest and as far as I could see, there was no one there. I expanded my range of sight with my jutsu trying to sense his chakra but I couldn't find anything.

About two hours later, I heard foot steps coming toward me and I crack open an eye and I see a grey haired ninja with a headband covering his left eye and a mask covering his face. I got up from sitting on the grass and greeted him with a nod. He returned my gesture
"Hello, are you Kazumi Uchiha?" he asked me in a kind voice
"Yes, are you Kakashi Hatake?" I asked back at him
"Yes. Nice to meet you. Before we get training lets introduce ourselves so we can get to know each other a little more for the future when Lord Hokage can't train you" he said in a calm voice.
I nodded and we sat next to a tree stump to sit down.
"Alright, you can go first"
"Ok, my name is Kazumi Uchiha. I like spending time with my big brother Sasuke and my friend Naruto, I like reading, training, swimming, and sometimes going to Ichiraku's ramen and eating with Naruto. I don't like people mentioning the slaughter of our clan, talking bad about my family, including my brothers. Sasuke's fan girls and my fan boys. My dreams for the future...I want to restore my clan and bring my family together again. And also with helping my friends achieve their goal" I said naming off all the things that you would normally think about when introducing yourself.

He looked at me interested in what I had to say probably thinking I'm not like my brother that he's heard so much about from all the fan girls in the village.
"Alright, now it's my turn I suppose. I'm Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes, I don't think I want to tell you that. My dreams for the future, I don't really know. As for my hobbies, I have lots of them so I can't name them all" he said finishing up. I sweat dropped at his introduction but decided it wasn't my place to ask him what he doesn't want to tell me yet.

"Alright, now that the introductions are done, why don't you tell me what is your strength and weakness so we can work on that" he suggested.
"Alright, my strength is using my genjutsu, and my weakness is ninjutsu" I said.
"Alright, then lets get you focused on how to counter and use your instincts better. Come at me with whatever you have from ninjutsu" he said getting into a ready stance.
"Ok" I replied and went at him with a battle cry.

(Time skip to present)

"That was totally useless, all he really told us was his name" said Sakura unhappily with Naruto agreeing with her.
"Ok, your turn. You on the right, you first" he called to Naruto
"Believe it, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup and I really like the ramen Iruka got me at the Ichiraku's noodle shop. But I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. And I also like being with Kazumi since she was my first friend in the village. My hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them. And my future dream is.. to be the greatest Hokage. Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and treat me like I'm somebody, somebody important" he said finishing up.

"Alright, next" he said

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like..uh. I mean the person I like is....Uh, my hobby is...uhh...*giggle*..My dream for the future is.." she said squealing into her hands looking at Sasuke with a blush on her face.
'To marry Sasuke and then have triplets, maybe?' I thought to myself. Clueless.

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