Pass or Fail: Survival Test

Start from the beginning

"And..whatdo you hate?" asked Kakashi
"Naruto" she said making him cry and groan

"Next" he called making Sakura giggle in anticipation for what he'sgoing to say.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don'tparticularly like anything"
"What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm goingto restore my clan and destroy a certain someone" he finished. But, therehas to be a reason for what Itachi did and I want to tell him that, but I knowhe won't listen to that subject with me. He doesn't talk about it often becausehe knows it's a hurtful memory for me and I get fragile when it comes up. So hedoesn't say anything. All Sakura did was blush at him day dreaming and Narutoonly looked at him with fright probably thinking he meant him.

"Last up" he said

"Ok, my name is Kazumi Uchiha. I like spending time with my big brotherSasuke and my friend Naruto, I like reading, training, swimming, and sometimesgoing to Ichiraku's ramen and eating with Naruto. I don't like peoplementioning the slaughter of our clan, talking bad about my family, including mybrothers. Sasuke's fan girls and my fan boys. My dreams for the future?...Iwant to restore my clan and bring my family together again. And also withhelping my friends achieve their goal" I said finishing up. Naruto lookedpleased with my introduction but Sakura seemed too focused on Sasuke she didn'teven hear me say anything. She must've been in 'Sasuke-land' as I call theSasuke day dreamers.

"Good, you're each unique and you have your own ideas. We'll have ourfirst mission tomorrow" said Kakashi
"Eup, what kind of mission are we going to have?" asked Naruto.
"It's a task that the five of us will do together" he said
"What? What? What? What?" asked Naruto
"A survival exercise" he said bored
"Huh? Survival exercise?" asked Naruto confused
"I thought we were supposed to have a real mission. Not more practice. Wealready did this stuff at the academy. That's how we got here" complainedSakura
"This is like your previous training"
"So uh. So what kind of training is it then?" asked Naruto. I zonedout for a bit because when I first met Kakashi, he taught me about becoming agenin. He told me when we get our squads a little later into the academy, wewould have to prove we are ready to be genin. He didn't exactly say how we hadto do it but he said if you fail, then you're not worthy to be a ninja.

I wonder.. what should I make tonight, I assume Sasuke is going to be hungrysince Naruto ruined his lunch...hmmmm. Oh! Maybe he would like some soba withtoasted sesame seed sauce. That sounds good.

"Let's go Kazumi" said Sasuke, I didn't even realize the meeting wasover. We headed home and I made dinner. Sasuke was hungry and ate a lot, but weboth went to bed early since he explained to me we had to get up early. Eventhough he wasn't going to be there for another two hours after we get there. Iheaded up to my bed and played a song to help me relax until I fell asleep.

When I felt shaking I knew it was most likely time to get up and meet Kakashifor that training exercise Sasuke told me about since I zoned out, even thoughit was normal for him to be late I sometimes got annoyed with it if therereally was nothing to do. I wouldn't get cranky but I would feel like I'm notin the best of moods.

I grabbed my ninja clothes from my closet and went to the bathroom and steppedin the shower giving me goosebumps as the cold water woke me up. I stepped outand grabbed a towel from the rack hanging next to me and dried my hair forabout thirty minutes since I have thick hair.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my headband from my nightstand tieing it aroundmy head walking out meeting Sasuke at the front door with him already in hisgear wide awake. We closed the door behind us and walked to the training groundin silence. As we walked past the village we took in the silence in happinesssince no one was up yet. We finally made it and were greeted by anunenthusiastic 'good morning' from both Naruto and Sakura.

"Morning.." moaned Sakura and Naruto both looking really sleepy

I have a long time before he actually shows up so I decided to go and meditatesince I will need chakra control if we wanted to prove to him whatever hewanted.

I sat cross-legged on the grass and I closed my eyes clearing my head of allthoughts. But something felt off. I didn't want to keep awake. I felt myselfdrifting off and I didn't want to deny I was really sleepy but I didn't want tosleep. Oh well....

(In her dream)

"Kazumi" called a voice behind me but when I looked, I couldn't seevery well.
"Who are you?" I called out but he didn't respond but instead came upto me and grabbed a hold of my hand.
"Where are we going?" I asked but yet again, they didn't respond. Infront of us was a door, it wasn't open but then even more started appearing infront of us. I looked at the person but they weren't there.
"Down here" the voice called and the person was still holding myhand. We stood there as more and more doors appeared.

"Chose a door" the person said and I looked at all my choices. I sawa very bright door and opened it. In there was bright room but there were threesilhouettes standing there. A small figure went up to one of the bigfigures and they bent down to pick them up in their arms.
"I remember this" said the person.

Right now I was very lost but kept watching. Another small figure bent down totake the third in their arms too. He set them down and they walked away but thefigure dropped their head looking like they were depressed. Another figure cameup and it was talking to the first but then it turned into yelling. The persondidn't know what to do but then when they left he grabbed something off hisback and ran where the other person went and when the other figure looked atthem he wanted to yell again but was cut in half.

Even more figures came and when they saw what it was they all ran away but theperson was fast and caught up to them and cut them each one at a time. One ofthe little figures came out and stared at the person.

The big figure took out something from it's pocket and threw it past him andthe house behind him bursted into flames and the little one freaked out. Thetall one ran away and really wanted to chase after him but stopped when itlooked like he realized something and turned to the house. Out came the otherlittle one and they looked pretty terrified.
"I remember mom and dad talked about this a lot" said the little onewho I forgot was still there.
"Were they witnesses?" I asked and the little one looked forwardnodding
"In a sense, yes" the person said but they let go of my hand andwalked toward the door with me following behind and we walked past the door andon the floor was the small figure that was laying on the ground in pain, butthat was the last thing I could see before the door closed and we were back inthe empty space.

"I think we need to end our meeting" said the person not even lookingat me
"Why?" I asked
"If we stayed here too long, your brother will think you're asleep"said the person already fading away
"What is your name?" I called out before they left
"That is going to be for later. I have many names. You will just have tochose which one you like best. Not now though" they said.

(Outside of her dream)

I opened my eyes and I had a huge wave of pain going through my head as Iopened my eyes. I opened them again and it still hurt, but it was bearable. Ilooked down and I was lying in the grass with my legs crossed. My guess was Iwas meditating but fell asleep about half way through since I didn't get allthat much sleep last night. I kept waking up in the middle of the night in theweirdest positions and at one point fell off the bed.

I stood up and dusted myself off and the sun was already high in the sky.Naturally Kakashi sensei comes late but by now it had to be almost noon. I lookedover in the bushes and Sasuke was just sitting there while Naruto was lookingout for Kakashi sensei, no doubt he's going to complaint to him every time he'slate.

I walked back to them and sat there for another ten minutes until finallyKakashi showed his face.

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