Chapter 35

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I woke up and Andy was holding me and rubbing my side and kissing my cheek. Iturned my head to the side so my lips hit his and he chuckled sleepily.

"Goodmorning." He said.

"Good morning." I said.

"Get up we're going on the beach." He said pulling away from me and I sat up and almost forgot our room outlooked the ocean and it was beautiful and sunny.

"I'm fine with that." I chuckled as he put his shorts on and I got up and grabbed my triangl bikini from my suitcase and he grabbed my ass tightly as I bent over.

"Andrew!" I chuckled and smacked him playfully but I ended up smacking his bare chest hard and he laughed.

"Ow." He chuckled and rubbed it.

"Don't do that." I said.

"You're hot." He smirked and he had a red mark on his chest.

"There was no need to smack me. It hurt." He said fake pouting and I chuckled.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You're lucky it wasn't your dick." I said.

"Then I would have made you kiss it better." He smirked and I pushed him playfully towards the sliding glass door and he chuckled. It was so hot out but it felt good to be hot and he looked over at me and grabbed my hand.

"Are you tired?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You look tired you should do something about that." He said.

"You look like you got more greys in your beard you should do something about that." I said and he laughed.

"That was not how this conversation was supposed to go. You were supposed to ask how and I was supposed to say to sleep with me." He said and I stopped in the sand a little back from the back and put down a towel and looked at him.

"You didn't want me to sleep with you last night." I said.

"We're not allowed to fight." He said.

"I'm not fighting." I said.

"Jasmine." He warned.

"I'm not doing anything." I said and we didn't say anything as he put down a towel next to me.

"I was kidding about your beard." I said.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

"Andy I'm sorry. I really didn't mean that. I already told you it turns me on." I said and he nodded.

"I know." He said and I looked at him.

"Then why are you upset. I'm really sorry Andy." I said and he nodded and quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and I screamed and he laughed.

"Andrew!" I chuckled as he pulled me towards the water and he threw me down into it and it wasn't cold but it wasn't a hot tub either. He jumped in towards me and came up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed his hair back as I ran my fingers through his hair. We smiled at each other and kissed softly.

"I would never take that seriously. I know I turn you on no matter what." He said and I laughed.

"Now you're getting cocky?" I asked and he smirked and kissed me. The water reflected in his eyes and it made me melt. He could have had me right there if he wanted me and he knew it.

"You're all I want." I said and he kissed me again.

"I'm so in love with you." He said and I smiled.

"I doubt it. This trip was probably for you secretary and you ended it with her and brought me instead." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah that's exactly what happened." He joked and I pulled away from him and swam a little away from him and the water was so calm there were barely any waves.

"Would you ever marry me again?" He asked and I ignored him and splashed him.

"Jasmine I'm being serious babe." He said and I didn't say anything and he sighed.

"Okay." He said. I felt bad for ignoring him but I honestly just didn't know. I was scared to and I trusted him more but I didn't know. I truly didn't.

"I have to call my mom about the girls. I want to talk to them." He said and I smiled and nodded.

"Talk to me. You're not talking." He said.

"I'm swimming." I said.

"Get your ass over here." He said grabbing my hand and he pulled me back into him before I could swim away from him.

"You and I both know you want to avoid my question and I get it. But talk to me at least. It doesn't have to be about that." He said and I nodded.

"I love you." I said and he smiled.

"I love you too." He said and I kissed him.

"I'm not ignoring you completely. I thinkabout it a lot. Especially since you've beenasking me recently. I don't know." I shrugged and he nodded.

"It's okay." He said rubbing my sides in the water.

"The whole reason of this vacation was so we couldn't run away from our problems with each other and deal with them." He said and I nodded.

"I'm such a bitch honestly." I said and he shook his head.

"I'm just an asshole. You're allowed to set me straight when I'm being one." He said and I shook my head.

"No. I hurt your feelings and that's not healthy." I said.

"Jasmine were working on us. We're a work in progress. Not everything is perfect and it never will be but we will be okay again one day." He said and I nodded.

"I hope so." I said and he nodded.

"We will."

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