Chapter 9

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Kyoki POV

"It's official, I hate that Uchiha brat," Nakimasu hissed.

"Seriously, the only person around here that's supposed to blackmail people is me," I growled. I slipped up and it's annoying. If I hadn't messed up, then he wouldn't have seen Nakimasu, and I wouldn't be stuck rooming with him. 

I'm practically positive I just growled. Well, if I did it's obvious it's because of how annoyed I am. "If you keep growling like that, you might convince people you actually have emotions," Sasuke sighed as he walked into the room.

I glared at him, under my hood, and he rolled his eyes. He must have sensed the hatred I sent his way with my glare because he said, "Glaring at me won't fix your problems."

I sighed, unfortunately, this idiot is right about that. It kills me, but I guess I just have to put up with him. . . Might as well have some fun, "Says the idiot that glares at the floor."

"At least I don't hide like a scared little kid," Sasuke retorted.

"How many muscles in your brain did you use to think of that one? All of them?" I said with a smirk.

He face palmed, "What made me think rooming with you wouldn't be torture?"

"I don't know, you're the idiot around here."

"Smart-ass," Sasuke commented.

"It's better to be a smart-ass rather than a dumb-ass," I replied.

"He said being a smart-ass," The Duckbutt said slightly mockingly.

"Ugh, you two are so annoying," Nakimasu said. He slithered out of my sleeve and onto the bed.

"No one asked you," I said. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at me. Oh right, these idiots don't speak snake.

"Talking to me when these guys are around doesn't help your sanity plea," Nakimasu said. I could've sworn he was smiling. Can snakes smile?

"Sorry, but last time I checked I plead insanity. It's easier," I said with a sigh.

"Are you. . . talking to the . . . snake?" Sasuke asked, probably as confused as Naruto is daily.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" I asked as I redirected my attention to the Uchiha.

"You're a psychopath," Sasuke mumbled.

"High functioning sociopath, get it right," I corrected. Sasuke rolled his eyes before he walked out of the room.

"These genin are really annoying," I mumbled. Nakimasu nodded his head in agreement.

I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. They haven't seen the harsh reality of the world yet, have they? Sasuke and Naruto have seen small amounts of it, but they haven't seen anything yet. I suppose the nice thing to do would be to educate these imbeciles, but I'm not a nice person. I'll just leave it to Kakashi.

A small smile slipped up my lips and my eyes closed. Their view on the world. . . it's similar to-

"Hey! Don't fall asleep! I want some food!" Nakimasu hissed.

My eyes shot open, my train of thought interrupted. "Huh?"

"Fooooooooooood," Nakimasu hissed. If I don't get him food then I'll be on the menu, probably.

I sat up and walked over to my bag. I rummaged through it trying to find the food I brought for him. . . . Oh no.

"I'm dead," I muttered to myself.

The Insanity Of A Genius (Naruto Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن