Chapter 7

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"So, that's what you look like," Sasuke muttered. Wait. What?

Kyoki POV

I quickly pulled my hood back up and growled internally.

How? How did I not notice? Ugh, great. Talk about being a total failure at life. There goes that deal I made. Why does life hate me? I mean seriously. Alright, there's a lot of reasons, but that's not the point!

Let's hope none of these kids are smart enough to look in a bingo book. Wait, why am I worrying? In the bingo books I have red hair, if Kakashi looks it may not take him as long to realize it as it would the others. So, we- I mean, I need to be more cautious around him.

Why couldn't this have been one of those moments that was just in my head?

"Wow, this has never happened before. Then again, it is your first time trying to hide you face. I'm surprised you lasted this long," Nakimasu hissed.

I will stab you later.

"Why do you insist on hiding your face anyways?" Sasuke asked.

"I've told you people repeatedly. Think!" I snapped. I need a few minutes, please. A few minutes to clean up the blood.

"I never expected you to have white hair," Sakura said.

"Alright, time to stop focusing on me. Focus on the blond idiot," I said.

"I'm not an idiot!!!" Naruto shouted.

"Right, and Sasuke's hair isn't shaped like a Duckbutt," I said with a yawn. Come on, leave me alone. I just need a few minutes. Once, Naruto started preaching about protecting Tazuna I slipped away. Not to far just far enough to where I could talk to Nakimasu without being heard.

"Finally, I was starting to get bored," Nakimasu said as he slithered out of my sleeve.

I sighed and pulled off my jacket, "Seriously, why did you bite me so many times?"

"You were zoning out. Biting you is the easiest way to get your attention," Nakimasu sighed.

"I suppose you biting me is better than you choking me," I muttered. I lifted my shirt and Nakimasu hissed.

"You bleed a lot."

"Um . . . How am I supposed to respond to that?"

"Just shut up and clean up the blood," Nakimasu hissed. He slithered off to, I actually do not know, oh well. I pulled out a small little roll of bandages. Luckly, I brought a bottle of water, at least I can clean it as well. I cleaned up the bite marks and bandaged them. Nakimasu had bitten me five times, wow. I have a very violent snake.

I put my jacket back on and put the hood up. "Nakimasu, come on. Let's go."

I waited for a minute and sighed. Ugh, dumb snake, hurry up.

"Snake," I heard Sakura screech. I felt a smile come onto my face, thank you Nakimasu. I walked back to the others and Sakura was holding onto Sasuke's arm. "Sasuke, kill it," Sakura said. Wow.

"Nakimasu, I thought I told you not to let them know yet," I said with a sigh. I walked over and picked him up.

"Wait a second, that's your snake?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah," I mumbled. Nakimasu hissed at me before he slithered up my sleeve, again.

"That's how you've been hiding him," Naruto observed. He really is slow, huh?

Unfortunately, this was all in my head. I was still waiting for Nakimasu to show up.

"Ow! Something bit me!!!" Sakura shouted. There was nothing I could do to stop myself from grinning. 

Kakashi POV (Like five minutes earlier)

Kyoki, I swear I've seen his face somewhere before. Where though? Maybe in a book? That seems quite logical. He has a reputation that causes him to hide his face. If you have to hide your face it can't be a good reputation. 

So, maybe a bingo book? It's possible, if I remember correctly, he is from outside of the village. I'll need to make sure though. I'll also need to speak to the Hokage about this, when we return to the village obviously.

Wait, where is Kyoki?

"Ow! Something bit me!" Sakura shouted. Kyoki walked out of the trees and towards Sakura right after she shouted this.

Kyoki POV

"Something bit you? Big deal. I mean you're not dead, are you?" I said in an annoyed tone. This distracted her and the blond idiot as Nakimasu slithered away. Luckily, Tazuna and the other two idiots I'm forced to travel with didn't seem to notice either. I could've been wrong though because Sasuke was giving me a weird look.

"You don't have to be rude," Sakura said as she shot me a glare.

"I know, but I choose to be rude. It's fun, besides I have no reason to be kind to any of you," I replied.

"We're your teammates! We should be able to count on each other to look out for one another," Naruto shouted.

"Teammates?" I mumbled quietly.

"Yeah, teammates," Naruto said with a smile.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid you're wrong, not like that's anything new though," I scoffed.

"Why not? Why can't you trust us? Why do you look down on us?" Naruto shouted.

"We were raised differently, Naruto. That's the best way to explain it," I said with a sigh.

Before Naruto could say anything Sasuke spoke up, "Naruto, knock it off. Now, is not the time to interrogate him. We can do that later."

Gee thanks.

No really, thanks.

"Let's just go," Kakashi said with a sigh.

"Seriously," I mumbled.

"You seriously like the word seriously," Sasuke said in a slightly mockingly tone. I kill you in your sleep.

I rolled my eyes and Sakura sighed. We started walking and obviously I lagged behind a little so I could get Nakimasu. I was able to pick up Nakimasu and have him hide before anyone noticed. . . . Did Sakura ever clean up the bite mark? I have idea. Curse my short attention span, oh wait, I don't care.

Sasuke slowed down a little bit so he was walking next to me. "We've already seen your face, so you shouldn't feel as though you have to hide still," Sasuke said.

"Why do you care again?" I asked.

"You're a mystery that I want answers to, Kyoki. That's all there is to it," Sasuke said. So, I'm basically nothing more than an interesting book to you? 

"And here I was thinking you'd be nicer than your brother," I said just to get a rise out of him.

"What? How do you-?" Sasuke growled, instantly seeming like he wanted to rip my throat out.

"That's another mystery for ya!" I said running a head of them.

Time Skip

So after a longish boat ride next to Sasuke, I was wishing we'd get attacked like every second, we got to deal with Naruto shouting at bushes. And Kakashi thinks I'm crazy. He should get Naruto tested.

"Naruto, knock it off," Sakura said. Great, now she's quoting Sasuke. Ugh, talk about annoying.

Naruto threw a kunai at a bush and almost hit a bunny. What the hell did the bunny do to him?! What? I like bunnies. They're similar to cats. Not to similar, but slightly similar. Poor bunny. Luckily, Naruto apologized to the poor bunny. 

"Duck," Nakimasu hissed. I instantly did what I was told. Sadly- I mean luckily, the others ducked as well. A huge sword flew over our heads. That would've been an awesome decapitation.

Everyone looked up at where the sword was now lodged into a tree and a guy with bandages covering his mouth was standing on the sword. Well, that can't be good for the blade.

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