Chapter 6: The Youth with an Unbalanced Diet

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Taiyou's room: it's a standard one unit bedroom for a single person.

Normally the smell in his room gave subdued and calming atmosphere, now if one were go into his room, they would smell the fragrant scent of the girls which most definitely did not calm him down. (Note: here he uses the words women's odour)

No, it's not entirely correct to use the words a "smelly odour" of women. Although there is not mistake in calling it that, it is inappropriate to call the scent coming from the girls a "smelly odour".

In that case, what would be the best way to describe it? —-Because since he was born, three girls never entered his room like this before, he totally panicked and he couldn't think of any words to describe it.

All his life, the only people of the opposite sex that would have come into his room was just his mother.

Inside his bedroom where the low table was at, three young girls and a youth was sitting in place.

Facing towards Taiyou, the three girls were setting on their knees with a straight posture. The girls had a feverish gaze towards him, their amorous glances were excessively passionate, and when he returned their gaze, it was almost enough to give him a burn!

Taiyou's heart began to rapidly beat, and he was flustered.

「Umm, Hayakawa-san—-」

「My name is Kotone」

「Call me is Suzune」

「Call me Kazane」

「Eh? 」

「Please call us by our first names」

「Not even adding -san? 」 (When people become very close, they can remove honorific's, this is the girls method of trying to get closer to him :P)

「Please do so!!」

They had a very first-class tone.

Talking like a relay, they slowly raised bowed whilst pressing three fingers of each hand on the floor.

Surprised by their actions Taiyou quickly raised himself.

「Wai, wait you guys, stop it, raise your heads—」

「「「Before you call our names we aren't going to move from this position」」」

He's not sure how they did do it, but their voices seems to harmoniously come out at the same time.

Because they were so beautifully lined up, he just couldn't refuse their request as he didn't want to let them down.

「In that case....Kazane—-s」

In the last second, just as he was about to use the honorific 「-san」, he repressed his words and called Kazane's name out without honorifics.

This is the first time ever, he's called a female within the same age group as him without any honorifics, and Taiyou felt as if he could not calm down.

Left with such feelings of anxiousness, it did not end there. It would seem that the only one whom raised her face was Kazane.

She watched Taiyou ecstatically, whilst the other two people were still bowing.

Of course he knew without being told, that they were waiting for him to call out their names.

「Kotone—. Suzune—-, please raise your head, I beg of you」

「Yes! 」

「I understand! 」

In this way, the three girls lifted their heads and once again face towards Taiyou.

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