Chapter 18

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As i quickly move out of maths someone grabs my arm spinning me around. "Kayla!" Ben hisses. 
"Look if i knew he was your friend i wouldn't of spoke to him, but he was the only decent one in homeroom and we both HATE our homeroom teacher so we got along" He's still gripping my arm and i can tell he's looking right in my eyes. He lets go of me and just stares at me. What's he thinking? It's killing me so i just turn picking up my bag and head off to science.  I walk in the science lab looking for Max. There he is right at the back talking to Liam. "Hey" I say walking up to them. 

"Oh Liam this is Kayla"

"Hey you were the girl from bus this morning"

"Yeah" i smile taking my seat. Our teacher walks in and almost has to separate Max and i for talking too much. When we actually get to work i realise how quiet it is. I sneak a look to Ben who's already staring at Max and i. He manages to tear his eyes away and i swallow. What was that about? As lunch starts i walk into the basketball court. I've finished my food and i grab a basketball from PE rooms and start to shoot some hoops when a girl comes over. "This is OUR court" 

"Oh really? I'm sorry i didn't see your name anywhere. Oh wait it's right there" i say pointing to a bin that says BITCH in spray paint. I hear laughs and snickers. 

"Oh my gosh you did not!" She says stomping her high heel.

"Oh my gosh Regina i'm sorry yes you did! You're wearing pink on a Monday" I shake my head. "Sorry you can't sit with me" i smile and watch her walk away. I am actually so surprised she left so easily. Its like now that i've beaten the bitch of the west the whole school is bowing before me. The bell rings and i throw the ball into the open PE room.


The rest of the day went pretty quick from then on i sat with Max and Liam for most of my lessons and watched Ben boil, not knowing why. I pack my bag and head to the front of the school. "4611" I walk to the bus and get a seat 4 seats behind Ben. And now we're on our way to my old school to pick up students. Oh my gosh i miss them so much. When elena gets on bus i hug her so tight and tell her EVERYTHING. 

"Its simple" she says "Ben is jelly of your friendship with Max and Liam" she smiles. 

Hmm i'll keep that in mind.

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