this book

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This book is about the strongest girl I know. She puts everyone above her and is always willing to help. This girl is beautiful and smart and giving and anyone that meets her is super lucky. The thing is about this girl is that she has the idea she has to be strong all the time. For herself and others. She tries her hardest to block it out but it comes back every September. This is for her. You're strong. I know it. I don't know if you're scared to open up or you're being strong for others but it's okay. It's okay not to be good. It's okay to be on the verge of tears snd cry. It's okay to feel anger and sadness and so many other emotions. You know what isn't okay? Blocking it out. It's not safe. It's not okay at all. You need to let it out. Even if it means breaking a pencil or punching a pillow or screaming or just simply crying. But you need to let it out. It's okay to let it out its okay to get all the bad out of you in a safe way. I'm not going to force you to open up to me and I'm not going to say horrible things to make you cry just to get it out but I'm here. I'm here for you to vent, yell, complain, the whole nine yards. I'm here to be a shoulder to cry on and a supporter. You're my soulmate and the love of my life and I really can't just keep letting you drag yourself down like this. I'm glad you say you're okay and that it'll all be good soon but it will just leep happening again and again if you keep bottling it up. It's killing me seeing you beat yourself up like this. Trying to make yourself happy for everyone else. Take time for yourself. Even if it's just an hour, spend the hour making yourself happy and forgetting everyone else. You are your top priority and not what other people think if you. ( just a small reminder that I think you're the loveliest strongest girl in the world and that you can get through this and I love you.)

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