love is..

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Love is when you still want to hold each other after a fight.
Love is when the flame may flicker but never die down.
Love is when you trust everything that comes out of their mouth.
Love is when you never stop trying even if it gets really hard.
Love is when you know you want to wake up next to them but also wanna go through the good and bad times together.
Love is when you can't see yourself with anyone else and don't really want to.
Love is when you can be the biggest nerd and really be yourself and still feel comfortable without a trace of anxiety.
Love is being content and not seeking out for anyone but that person because that's all you want.
Love is respecting each other and working as hard as you can.
Love is when you can see their bad days and not think they're insane or touchy but instead you're trying harder to help.
Love is when you learn what helps and then you use it when they need it most.
Love is random compliments and sweet texts out if nowhere.
Love is random paragraphs when they aren't having a bad day and it's not an anniversary.
Love is keeping promises.
Love is planning a life together.
Love is never wanting to hurt them and trying your hardest whenever you do end up hurting them.
Love is being for them the best you can.
Love is listening and support.
Love is honesty.
Love is never stopping trying even when it feels hopeless.
Love is when you get butterflies before and even when you're dating.
Love is how hard I want to try with you.
Love is doing everything in your power to make them happy wether it's 2 days in or 2 years in.
Love is this and so much more.
Love is the closest word I can use to how I feel for you.

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