thought you should know

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This is just a reminder that I love you. I love the letters and the gifts and the posts and you. I love watching your face twist into a smile and I love being the reason you laugh and I love the way you make me feel. I know we have to hide but it's worth it I'd do anything for you and I really mean anything. You're my entire world and the only thing I'd change about us is the fact that we're 919 miles apart. (I really hate that number now.) I'm also proud of you. I'm proud of you for waking up and feeding yourself and taking care of yourself. I'm proud of you when you beat your swim time and even when you only live. I'm proud of you when all you do is survive and I'm proud of you when you try your hardest on a piece of art or at a swim meet. The thing I am most proud of you for is calling me yours. I know it can get hard but I'm so glad you're still with me trying. I love talking about the life we'll have together and how we only want each other and I love the little random compliments you give me or when you used to call me early in the morning. You're beautiful and smart and you shouldn't ever doubt it. You're the smartest girl I know and I'm so proud when you try your best even when you know you won't be the best and when you don't want to. You're beautiful inside and out and im honestly the luckiest girl in the world. Just thought you should know..

I Love Rachel Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu