In the Stillness

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It is in the quiet of Hewlett's room that his absence is felt the most. His forlorn wig was still resting upon he make-shift bust, ready to be taken off and placed atop the Major's head. But the Major wasn't coming back right now.

His room became Anna's sanctuary and refuge- a place to get away from Richard and his overwhelming contempt for her. She had lost her last friend and advocate in Setauket to Washington's men; she wasto be in league with. This left her conflicted and grieving. Major Hewlett did not deserve to be treated ill by anyone, much less the rebel soldiers.

Her footsteps bring her to stand in front of the frosted panes of glass that made up the window. Her doleful maple-syrup gaze absently down at the baron ground below. Winter's bitterly icy tendrils had crept into everything, including Anna's heart.

"Oh Major," she sighs. Her shoulders sink in defeat as she realizes she is powerless to get him back of her own volition. Anna nibbles at her nails trying to come up with a plot to ensure his safe return. She would have gladly given her life over in exchange for his safety. And even now, if the chance arose to arrange such a trade she would.

The sound of footsteps approaching jarred her out of her thoughts and back into reality. Anna should not and could not be caught in his room and she knows it. By the time the fleeing brunette reached the door, she bumped into the other person full force with an "umph". The young woman was knocked off balance and she stumbled backwards.

Who was it? And what were they going to do to her? Would they help Anna find Hewlett? Or was it Hewlett himself?

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