My Favorite Frenchman pt.1

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Lafayette x reader. Sorry about all the French that I added ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

I run off the boat, sprint off the dock and grab on to the first tree I see. I wrap my arms around it, not caring about the weird looks from civilians.

This is the last time I let Jefferson talk me into something. I think bitterly as I calm down. I had spent too long on that stuffy boat. My trip from New York to France was long and sickening. I let go of the tree.

I open the letter Jefferson wrote me. Lin Street, apartment 37. Its not too far from the docks. Just ask for directions.

I walk up to a man who is strolling past.

"Excuse me. Can you direct me to Lin Street?" I ask. The man looks at me as if I had three heads.

"Je ne comprends pas." He responds.

"Damn it. I can't speak French." I mumble to myself. "Never mind, Sir. Sorry to bother you."

"Folle." He mutters as he walks away.

"Don't know what that means, but to you too, Sir!" I call after him. Well, I better get started on my journey to find Jefferson. Damn France lover.

Time skip

"I HAVE FOUND IT! LIN STREET!" I yell out in triumph. I had walked for hours, trying to find the damn place. "YOU'RE LUCKY I'M TIRED, JEFFERSON! OTHERWISE I WOULD KICK YOUR FRENCH LOVIN' ASS!" the people walking by me give me dirty looks, but I don't care. I walk down the sidewalk, searching for apartment 37.

When I find it, I stomp up to the door and bang on it.

"OI! JEFFERSON! YOU BETTER BE HOME!" I yell to the door

After a while, a man opens the it. He has brown locks ties up in a ponytail. His eyes are puppy-like. He is just another breathtaking Frenchman. Not Jefferson. I start to internally freak out a bit.


"Hey Jefferson, une belle femme est arrivée!" The man calls.

"Beautiful woman? Where?" Jefferson pears out from behind the man's shoulder. "Oh. Its just (y/n). Come in, come in."

" saying I'm not beautiful?" I ask Jefferson, putting my hands on my hips. "And...did you just call me beautiful?" I point to the Frenchman.

"Well, I suppose you are a...handsome woman. Don't take it to heart (y/n), you just aren't my type. And you are my best friend." Jefferson replies defensively. "As for Lafayette here...he did, in fact, call you beautiful."

"Oui madame. I think you are very beautiful." The man called Lafayette flirts in a heavy French accent. He takes my hand and kisses it. I blush a bit. Jefferson rolls his eyes and grabs my arm, pulling me inside.

Time skip

I sit...well, more like, lounge...on a couch in the living room. It is a very unladylike position, but I don't give a damn. My legs are on fire and my feet are throbbing.

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