He tried to get you back

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(A/N I'm sorry for the long wait but I've had my computer and phone taken away. I am at my cousins for the day and am using their computer)

  Once you had stopped crying you called your friend to come over "Y/N what happened?" she asked "Me and Jacob broke up." You said "That jerk." She responded "Don't do anything to him." You instructed "OK, I wont." She said but you didn't believe her 

The next day Jacob wasnt at school. After school you heard a knock at the door, it was Jacob. He had  bruises on his arms. "Oh my gosh! What happened to you?" You asked "You're stupid friends happened." You wanted to pull him into a hug but you were still mad at him "I'm sorry." You felt bad and mad at your friends "Babe." "Don't call me babe, We arnt together anymore." You cut him off "But I want to be. I miss you. I'm sorry I made a mistake please forgive me." He begged "No. Bye Jacob." You closed the door and looked out the window, He walked away.

You called your friends over "Why the heck would hurt him?! I told you not to!" "Why do you care? I thought you didnt like him anymore." One friend said "I dont. but still" You said "You still like him. He cheated on him and you still like him." They left.

The next day Jacob brought flowers to my door "We arnt getting back together." You rejected him. Everyday he would bring you something you liked and everyday you would see him more hurt. Physically and emotionally, It hurt you to see him like that. 

He brought you flowers, chocolate, stuffed animals, starbucks, and more and everyday you rejected him. 

You were walking home one day when you saw some people hurting someone. You couldnt see who the people were since you were so far away but as you walked closer you saw that they were your friends and they were hurting Jacob. You ran up to them and pushed them away from him and to the ground. You helped him up and gave him a hug "I'm sorry." You whispered then someone pulled you away and held you back as they continued to hurt him. A few minutes later they walked away and pushed you on the ground. "Jacob!" You called 

His eyes was black and his lip was bleading, he had bruses and you helped him to your house "I love you." You whispered in his ear as he fell asleep

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