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For a moment my breath caught in the back of my throat. The tone of Prince's voice was rippled with so much anticipation I couldn't help but feel caught off guard. "Yeah, anywhere. Why?"

"Go away with me." His lips parted, taking my earlobe into his warm mouth.

"Mmm..." I moaned under his touch, "Where?"

Slowly his body leaned into mine, climbing on top of my exhausted frame, "Anywhere. I wanna get out of here. Will you go?"

My bottom lip slipped in between my teeth as I tried with all of my might to hold in my excitement. Nodding my head, I silently agreed to his secretive plan.

Since we'd started this seeing each other we hadn't been on a traditional date or been seen anywhere in public together. Our outings usually happened long after the sun had set and our dates were always at either his house or my own.

"Good." Prince slowly rotated his hips, letting me feel his growing erection. "I want you without any interference." Out of instinct, my tired legs wrapped around his frame, his cock lining up with my entrance, "So you better get some sleep Bambi."

With those words, he rolled off of me and climbed out of bed. Standing within perfect view between my parted knees, his hard shaft still throbbing, my eyes wandered around his body. "Come back over here." I whined, hoping to feel his warmth envelop me once more.

"Uh uh. We've got to get up early so we can go to the airport."

"We're flying? But I can't, I've got-"

"Nope!" Prince shook his head, "You already said you'd go anywhere. So let's go to bed."

"But what about work?" I questioned, running over the ten thousand things I needed to take care of by the end of the month.

"I'm your boss and I say it's ok." Lifting the corner of the covers, he shook the blanket motioning with his hand for me to get off of the bed. "You have your passport right?"

Finally I gave in and stood to my feet, chest to chest, my nipples barely grazing over his furry pecks, "Mmhm" My index finger skimming down the middle of his forehead, following the curve of his nose then circled the outline of his lips before stopping, "You're really not gonna tell me where we're going?"

"No baby. You'll just have to wait and see."

As we settled into bed, my eyes focused on the ceiling above, wondering what he had in store for us. Whatever it was I knew it would be an extraordinary experience because Prince's thoughtfulness and romance always made the smallest gestures into the most special moments for me. Sometimes I wondered how I became so lucky.

The next morning I woke up next to an empty space. The spot Prince usually occupied was filled with nothing but cold, wrinkled sheets but in the distance I could hear his voice coming from another room on the other side of the hallway.

Slowly sitting up I could feel the soreness that must have set in while I slept, only the small price to pay for such enjoyable activities like the ones we participated in the night before. Standing up, I made my way to the bathroom, grabbing that black silk robe I somehow adopted as my own and walked towards the bedroom door.

With his words becoming clearer and clearer as I drew in closer to the wooden passageway leading into the hall, I realized the reason he hadn't spilled the beans on our special trip is because he hadn't even been privy to his own plans, "...No, I said somewhere warm. Why would I want to go to Norway this time of year? Find someplace sunny and tropical then call me back."

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