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"Thanks." I said, as I turned away from him, evading his kiss. I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was stunned. I'm sure he never had anyone turn away from him as he tried giving them a kiss before.

I hoped I didn't hurt his feelings or anything, but I was just not willing to kiss him, or anyone for that matter. I was with someone else.

"I'm sorry." My heart raced as he just stared at me.

"No, it's ok. I didn't mean to... Sorry." He straightened himself out on the couch as we both looked up in awkward silence.

I tried to erase the uncomfortable moment between us by closing my eyes. A part of me felt like I should've just kissed him. It was just a kiss, was that really worth losing my job over?

My thoughts trailed off slowly as I felt my eyelids getting heavy. I must have fallen asleep there on the couch because I just remember opening them briefly as he put a throw over me.

"Bye Bambi." I heard right before the latch on my front door closed.


In the morning, I was awakened sans Prince, by a light knocking on my front door. I could hear the faint sound of my alarm clock going off upstairs, telling me I overslept, as I rose to see who was at the door.

All that Prince and I talked about in the wee hours before went out the window as soon as I saw those green, tear filled eyes staring at me from my stoop.

"Hey J." I felt disappointed in myself the moment I saw her. I knew I was mutton, but I couldn't help it.

"I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked as she came in and gave me a hug, her wet tears leaving a stain on my blouse.

It was obvious she had come down from the cocaine considerably. "Please, I'll try my best to stop, just please don't give up on me."

I wiped the tears that were so desperate to leave her eyes and gave her a quick kiss. She leaned in again and invited her tongue into my mouth. I was still upset over what happened the night before so I pushed her away.

"I'm still really mad at you. This is gonna take some time." I led her into the house and made her coffee.

"I get it. I just want you to know I love you. I'll do anything to make it up to you." She said.

I turned around and gave her a big hug. She reeked of cigarettes and booze, but I stayed embracing her, I wanted her to know I cared. "I had a really rough night you know." She said after taking a drink out of her mug.

"How so?" My mind meandered through the countless shitty situations she could have gotten herself into.

"Oh, I don't want to talk about it. I'm glad I'm here with you is all I'll say."

I chose to ignore the fact that she brought it up and then refused to divulge on her rough night. "Can we go lay down?" Her tired, glassy eyes looked at me.

"Yeah." We went upstairs into my room where she stripped down and crawled under the blankets. I did the same, her skin was so soft and I loved it when our bodies touched.

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