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Before grabbing the phone from me, Prince leaned over, turning on the light that stood atop his nightstand, "Uh, hello?" He spoke with a little bit of hesitation since I failed to catch the name of the woman who just insulted me. "Oh, hey Mom." He said, barely turning his head, quickly glancing at me before busying himself by straightening out the linens covering his bare legs.

An irrepressible furrow tightened my brows, staring at the black phone in his hand, part of me trying to listen in to what Mommy dearest had to say and the other part waiting for him to say something to her about calling me a hoe.

Although I couldn't hear what she was talking about, I could hear that she was giving him a mouthful. The expression his face adopted was one of utter annoyance, listening to his mom ramble on and on about whatever. Periodically he'd shoot an uh huh into the receiver, which was the only input he gave on the mostly one sided conversation.

Slowly, Prince's hand that had been smoothing out the comforter while he listened to his mom, came to a rest. Using it to cover the speaker, he mouthed sorry then stood to his feet. I watched his toned body walk across the space until he took a seat at the sitting area on the other side of the room.

Assuming that meant he wanted more privacy, I decided to make myself busy by going down to the kitchen. "I'm gonna go get some water, I'll be back." I whispered, walking towards the door.

By the time I made my way half way down the hall outside of his room, I heard a noise. Looking back, the door that I had just walked through was being pushed closed by Prince, although all I could see were his fingers gripping the wooden partition from the other side.

His deep voice barely audible through the slight crack he left in the door, "Mom... I don't want you calling here talking to my girlfriend like that." After a brief pause he continued, "It's disrespectful and-" He stopped abruptly, interrupted by his mother. "Mom, I'm a grown ass man, no one's taking advantage of me."

With those words, I realized Prince closed the door for a reason and I was not meant to hear that conversation. So I continued my descend down the stairs and into the kitchen.

After grabbing a glass of water, I sat at the lonely bar that stretch across the entire length of his large island. My eyes watching the digital clock on the coffee maker, telling myself to stay in the kitchen for the next ten minutes, to give Prince time to finish that conversation with his mother.

The minutes crawled by, only sipping at my water so at least I had that to occupy my time. My mind focused on the few words I exchanged with Prince's mom and the conversation I overheard, wondering why she felt like she had to protect him.

"That was a long drink of water." My head swung towards his voice, observing Prince leaning against the wide entrance to his kitchen.

"Sorry, I didn't want to eavesdrop on your conversation so I figured I'd wait a little while."

Pushing himself off of the wall, he moseyed over, taking the seat next to me, "I'm sorry about my mom," his gaze connected with mine, the gleam usually creating that twinkle in his eyes had since disappeared, a hint of sadness peaking through, "she gets a little... I'm sorry."

"Oh," I laughed, trying to reduce the situation, "it's ok. She's just being overprotective over her little boy."

Prince shook his head in disagreement, "It's not ok, but she won't do it again." Taking the glass of water from my hand and setting it on the counter, weaving his fingers through mine, he stood up, "Let's go to bed."

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