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Prince wrapped his firm hands around my waist, guiding me up the stairs and into the bathroom. "I know just how to make you feel better." He walked over to my claw foot tub, sat on the edge and turned the brass knobs creating a cascade of water flowing from the faucet. "Do you have any bubbles?" He asked, sticking his hand under the running water to check the temperature.

"Yeah, I think so." I headed to the other side of the bathroom, to the cupboard under the sink and grabbed the bubble bath. Walking back, I observed him as he focused all of his attention on adjusting the hot and cold water, getting it just right.

"Here you go." I looked over his shoulder into the bath that he had just plugged. The cap came off of the bubble bath as he brought it to his nose.

"Mmm...lavender." Prince closely watched the liquid spew out of the bottle as he poured. He'd stop and then pour a little more and then stop and pour more.

"Wow, you're really good at drawing baths, huh?"

He let out a brief chuckle "Well, it's kind of my thing... Get in." He said, finally breaking his concentration on the bath to look at me.

Prince's eyes followed my hands as I guided my shorts down my legs before bringing his focus up to the little patch of hair in between my legs. His tongue jutted out, bringing his bottom lip in between his teeth then he stood to his feet and walked over to me, "Here, let me help you." His fingers gripped the bottom hem of my shirt, gently pulling the fabric over my head.

"Thanks." Our eyes connected, mine still slightly foggy from the tequila. "How much have you had to drink?" He asked suspiciously.

"Oh, not too much... I'll be fine."

"Ok, well the bath will help anyway." He held my hand as I swung my leg over the white bathtub. My toe barely touching the water to test it before stepping in completely. It really was the perfect bath.

While my body slowly submerged into the bubbly Utopia, my eye lashed found refuge on my flushed cheeks as the weight of the day washed off of me. In that instant, I was able to forget all about Prince being upset and the end of my relationship with Janet and about all of the other things that affected my life. My mind cleared for a moment while I focused on the comfort of the warm water surrounding me.

When my eyes finally opened back up, they were greeted with a pair hazel orbs that looked curiously at me while I lay submerged. "You kind of zoned out for a minute. Are you ok?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, this bath is perfect. Are you gonna get in?"

"Yeah, in a second." Prince walked over to the shower grabbing the pink loofah and shower gel from the shelf before kneeling on the bath mat next to the tub. Popping the cap off of the shower gel and swirling the fragrant purple liquid onto the loofah he kneaded the meshed fabric in between his fingers creating generous amounts of suds.

With the frothy orb in his right hand he began running the fabric along my chest and arms. "Is this your thing too?" I asked, looking into his eyes. He responded with a mischievous grin then continued to washing me until he reached my feet, staying away from my most intimate areas.

Just after I finished giggling from my feet being scrubbed, I watched as the loofah he'd been using to cleanse me popped up to the surface of the water.

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