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I heard the front door slam closed which prompted me to get up and look out of my bedroom window to make sure she left.

Janet was my weakness and I knew I would eventually let her back in. I hated myself for being so forgiving sometimes. I could only hope I'd be stronger next time.

When my feet started hurting, I realized I'd been standing there staring out of the window for far too long. I made my way under the comforter of my bed and closed my eyes, trying to erase those black pupils of hers from my brain.

The sandman summoned me soon enough as I drifted away to dreamland.

At about midnight, I was awakened by the ear piercing sound of my antique rotary phone that sat at my bedside. I knew she'd call me once she came down a little. That was what she'd always done before, this time was no different.

"I don't want to fucking talk to you, Janet!"

The phone remained silent on the other end. "Janet?" I shouted, thinking she was trying to play around.

"Uh...uh...hello?" That baritone voice instantly made my face hot as embarrassment settled deep within me.

"Mr Nelson?" I sat up and looked at the red numbers on my alarm clock to make sure I had seen them correctly the first time I looked.

"Um...is this a bad time?"

"Well it is midnight, but no, is everything alright with the reports I gave you?" My stomach got a little tight, thinking there was a problem. I triple checked my work, so I hoped there wasn't something I overlooked.

"No no. I just figured you'd be back from your date by now, so I thought I'd catch you."

"Psh." I said, involuntarily giving away my feelings towards the date we were supposed to have.

If I hadn't heard him breathing slowly into the phone, I would have thought the line went dead. "Mr Nelson? Are you there?"

"Your briefcase." His loud voice traveled abruptly through the speaker of my phone.

"I'm sorry?"

"You forgot your briefcase here. Are you up?"

"Uh...kind of."



I figured he would come by since he knew where I lived, so I quickly went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I chuckled at myself because I was still wearing my bra and blouse but nothing else. I quickly grabbed a grey pencil skirt and a hot pink blouse to throw on for my unexpected guest.

By the time I ran downstairs, Prince was sitting, unbeknownst to him, in the very spot I was in hours before. I closed my eyes for a moment as I prayed that the wet spot had dried by now.

He tried in vain to hide his smile as I attempted to catch my breath from all the scurrying I'd done in preparation for his arrival.

"I asked you if this was a bad time." He chuckled, holding my black leather briefcase in his lap.

I assumed he could tell I was frazzled because he motioned for me to sit next to him. "Come, sit down Bambi."

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