The Family Business (I mean reunion XD)

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"I don't thinking we can get through this way." Barney replied, chills starting to run up his spine.

"End of the line it seems." Ross spoke, a needle being prepared in hand.

"Maybes we should goes back. I have a bad feelings here." Barney rubbed his shoulder uncomfortably.

Jess and Sky ventured down to the vault, money lying about.

The two looked at each other, then the vault, then to each other again.

"Do we just, ask if anyone's there?" Sky asked as Jess nodded.

Sighing, the two moved up towards the vault, and knocked.

"Everyone get down, hide, and be quiet." A familiar voice to Jess hushed, presumably the people inside.

"Wait, Nick?!" Jess spoke, surprised. "I think I hear Nick!"

"Jess?!" The voice yelled back.

"Ami, open the vault." A new voice spoke.

Sky and Jess quickly moved towards the vault, awaiting it's opening.


“I don’t thinking we can get through this way.” Barney looked at the doctor behind him.

“End of the line it seems.” Ross spoke in a weird way.

"Then maybes we should go back, and join the others." Barney suggested. "I have a, bad feelings here."

The vault door opened, showing the many people inside.

"Jess!" A Red-headed girl ran up to Jess and hugged her.

"Sabrina?!" Jess said, surprised.

"What took you guys so long?" Sabrina asked, releasing Jess from the hug.

"I guess we didn't find it as fast." Sky said awkwardly.

"Sabrina, who are these people?" A new voice came through.

She was easily noticed due to her brown hair with red streaks.

"This is Jess and Goat, Barney failed to mention that he was actually just a person." Sabrina answered.

"Come on and get in here, you're letting in a draft." A strange man in a flannel sighed. "Then we can talk about who this, 'Goat' is."

"Oh hey, everyone just come on in! There's plenty of room!" An Asian man in a lab coat spoke, annoyed with his arms in the air flailing about.

"So if this is Goat-"

"Hey man, my name's Sky." Double eye-patch man reminded (In a video. He actually explained that his character doesn't have glasses but rather two eye-patches. I'll keep it as glasses though unfortunately).

"Okay, so if this is Sky, where's this Barney character?" A man bearing all black stepped in.

"We didn't know where the bunker was so we split up, to cover more ground." Jess explained.

"Wait, so you left him alone?!" Another mystery girl spoke up.

"Who's watching his back if you four are here?!" A man with a mask spoke up.

"No, he's with the doctor." Sky shook his head at the masked man.

"That's how we knew to head here." Sabrina explained.

"Wait, the doctor is here? That's great, he can make more of that formula!" Flannel man smiled.

"Doctor? Hold on, this doctor, what did he look like?" Lab coat man spoke up.

"Um, eyes facing different directions, grey..." Sky trailed off.

"He's a genius, he made the formula that saved Ghetto." Nick picked up the conversation.

"Although, he is a bit weird." Jess admitted.

"He always sounds tired and really out of it. Disheartened as well." Sabrina explained further.

"How long have you been traveling with him?" Lab coat asked.

What nobody noticed, was the silent girl sneaking past them.

"Bad feelings are usually branded with weakness and fear." Ross spoke, taking out a needle and injecting it's contents into Barney.

"Ows! What that was?!" Barney asked in pain.

"A dose of medicine." Ross smiled.

"A week at best guess, why?" Sky asked.

"This is bad, your friend is in danger." Lab coat explained, fear laced into his words.

"What's going on?" Jess asked, fear rising in her tone and voice.

"I know this person, Doctor Ross correct?" Lab coat turned to everyone.

Sabrina and Sky nodded.

"He was my mentor, I had studied under him until he became obsessed with changing and modifying his patients. He became steeped in experimenting on innocents."

"Are you sure this is the same guy?" Sabrina asked, sceptical.

"If he's as you're describing, then he has to be Ross." The new doctor spoke as he took out a blue liquid. "No other person could make something advance."

"Why would he help us then?" Nick asked this time.

"It was probably just another experiment."

"What you're doing to me?! I feeling weird." Barney spoke in pain.

"Yeah, that usually happens." Ross shrugged Barney's feelings/concerns/pain off.

"I can't moving." Barney strained.

"Well, that's a bummer." Ross walked off, leaving Barney to suffer in agony.

Then his crossbow left his hands.

"Even the apocalypse doesn't stop him, huh?" Jess sighed.

"No, you don't understand." Doctor shook his head. "His experiments were to keep a dead body animated. He created the first zombie, and started the apocalypse."

"You're kidding me...." Sky looked at his feet.

"No, and he's still dangerous."

"We need to find Barney now!"

"Guys, where's Ghost Girl?"

I love cliff hangers.

You probably know what happen but at the same time, ya don't.

Love you guys and leave you're predictions in the comments.

I may release a chapter later today though =3

Love you all my Demon Foxes!


My Brother The Cannibal {Under Consideration For Continuation}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz