"Chemistry is killing me right now but besides that everything's great" She said while she finished up her food.

"Yeah but we've discussed chemistry and we're going to get you a tutor sometime in the next few weeks" Claire said while giving Griffin another piece of bread.

"I can tutor her, I'm doing well in that class" Joe said and I eyed him.

I didn't care if he was married to Delaney I'm never letting my guard down when it comes to boys.

"That's fantastic!" Claire said and dill smiled at her.

"Daddy what's chemistry?" Griffin asked.

I looked at her with a smile.

"Nothing you need to worry about until you're in high school"

She pouted immediately.

"Griffin your lips better be smiling in two seconds" Claire warned.

Griffin got the pouty lips thing from dill and we were trying to get rid of the habit.

"One..." Claire started.

I could see Griffin grind her little teeth together and glare at her mother.

"Griffin Reese Penston, do you want to go on the naughty step?" I asked.

She crossed her arms and shook her head.

"Then a smile better be on your face by the time your mother counts to two"

A smile instantly popped up on her face and she continued eating even though I knew she was angry.

After dinner dill, Griffin, and Joe went into the living room while Claire and I cleaned up.

"I swear if she grows up to be just like you, I'm locking her in her room and she's not allowed to come out till she's fifty" Claire said while we cleaned dishes off.

"That was my plan but what's so bad about me?" I asked.

"Nothing now, but your parents always told stories of how bad of a teenager you were and you even told me" She said and I nodded.

I couldn't deny that I was an awful teenager and if Griffin did turn out like me she'll be locked up till I die.

After all the dishes were put in the dishwasher we joined the kids in the living room.

Griffin was laying with Binkie and Joe and dill were cuddled on the couch which I immediately put a stop to.

I looked at both of my babies and sighed.

I guess I couldn't stop them from growing up or doing adult things like dating or getting married.

I could try my hardest though.

Around nine o'clock Joe left and dill went to bed while I put Griffin to bed.

"Daddy I don't feel good" She complained as I laid her down in her bed.

"Do you want mommy to work her magic on you?" I asked.

Griffin giggled and nodded.

"Mommy, you are needed in Griffins room" I hollered down the hallway towards the bathroom where she was draining the bath that Griffin had just been in.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked when she walked into the room two minutes later.

"My tummy hurts" Griffin said while patting her tummy.

"Oh, well you can't go to sleep on an achy belly now can you?"

Griffin shook her head.

Claire immediately bent down and gave little kisses all over Griffins belly while Griffin giggled and shrieked.

This was an every night thing.

Griffin almost never had an actual tummy ache she just liked when Claire kissed her belly for some weird reason.

"All better" Claire said before kissing her forehead and then the back of her little hands.

"I love you my little angel" She said.

"I love you too mommy"

I walked over once Claire was done and did the same thing she had done, I kissed Griffins forehead and the back of her hands.

"I love you baby" I said.

"I love you too daddy"

I pulled the covers up to her chin and then went and turned on her flower nightlight.

Claire and I both walked out of her room and closed the door.

"Hey we just wanted to say goodnight" I said as we open dills bedroom door.

She was laying on her bed on her laptop.

"Oh okay, good night love you" She said while blowing us both kisses.

I felt pushing at my legs so I looked down to see Binkie pushing her way into the room.

"You have a guest" I said.

She looked up from whatever she was looking at and smiled before getting up and grabbing Binkie.

"Love you" She said again before coming and hugging both of us.

"Love you too" Claire and I both said before closing her bedroom door.

Claire and I finally laid down a half hour later after we showered and got ready for bed.

I turned off the light and pulled Claire closer to me.

"I realized tonight just how amazing our girls are" Claire said in a tired voice.

"I know" I responded.

"I love you" Claire whispered already half asleep.

"I love you too my beautiful wife"
It's the end!!!!

I hope you enjoyed it, I know I enjoyed writing it!

Thank you all for reading this it is currently #66 in random which may not seem big to some but it's fantastic for me!

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now