29. She's missing

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3 weeks later

"Come on silly get up!"

I headed dill giggle.

I opened one eye and saw Claire and dill both looking down at me with smiles on their faces.

"Well good morning to both of you" I sat up slightly and kissed dills cheek.

"Daddy are you tired?"

Since right after I kissed her cheek I yawned.

"Yes I am"

"Well to bad" Dill giggled, I just shook my head.

"What time do you work today?" Claire asked after dill got distracted by her dolls.

"Ten to six thirty"

She laid her face against my neck and let out a breath.

"Well it's eight so you might want to get up" Claire said.

I knew she didn't want me to get up.

"Okay" I said then kissed her lips before getting up and climbing out of bed.

I grabbed dill off my bed and threw her over my shoulder before walking downstairs.

Dill just screeched and giggled the whole way and Binkie attacked my feet and ankles, trying to get me to set dill down.

"It's to early for how loud she is" Claire said as she grabbed a cup of coffee.

I agreed and set dill in her seat before grabbing cereal for her.

I set it down in front of her and she started eating immediately.

"So your taking her to my parents today, correct?" I asked Claire.

She nodded as she swallowed her coffee.

I grabbed the cup out of her hands and took a big sip.

"You really are tired" Claire said.

I gave her a 'duh' look.

"Sorry I guess I shouldn't have made you stay up and watch a marathon of Nicholas Sparks movies" She said with a smirk.

"Yeah maybe you shouldn't have" I said while taking another sip of her coffee.

"Oh don't act like you didn't enjoy it. I know you cried at every single one that we watched especially Safe Haven"

I pursed my lips.

"Her husband was so abusive and Alex didn't believe her when she tried to tell him. Who wouldn't cry at that?"

Claire laughed a little before stealing her coffee back.

"I know it was sad" She said as she gave me a little hug even though I knew she wasn't sincere about it.
"I'm sorry I can have the cook remake it immediately" The lady just scoffed at me as I grabbed her plate.

I had been dealing with rude people all day so she didn't affect me.

Today was one of those days that I wish I had a college degree so I could get a better job.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now