5. Casted

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The entire trip to the hospital broke my heart.

Delaney wouldn't stop crying and I hated hearing her cry.

"Daddy" She cried from her car seat.

I was sitting next to her in the back so I was trying to keep her calm.

"Baby we're almost there" I said while running my finger across her forehead.

"We're about five minutes away" Claire informed me from the drivers seat so I nodded.

Once we arrived at the hospital I got out as quickly as I could and went to get Delaney out of her car seat as gently as I could.

Claire followed behind me with Delaneys bag.

"Oh dear" The lady at the front desk said when she saw Delaney.

"Hi, my daughter fell down a couple steps and now her wrist is at a weird angle" I explained.

The lady nodded before handing me a clipboard with papers that I needed to fill out.

"Claire, can you help fill these out?" I asked once we were seated.

She quickly nodded while grabbing the clipboard out of my hand.

We walked through all the information before it was finally filled out.

"Daddy" Delaney cried/mumbled behind her binkie.

I leaned down to kiss her forehead while running my hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her even if it wasn't working.

Claire sat back down next to me once she gave the lady the forms.

She covered Delaney up with her blankie because she had goosebumps covering her arms.

"Thank you" I told her.

She nodded before pulling out her phone to text somebody.

As the time ticked by Delaney started to get more and more upset and I was starting to get glares from other people waiting but I couldn't do anything about it.

I looked at Claire to see her falling asleep and I felt bad because she didn't even have a car to leave.

"I'm sorry Claire" I said softly.

She looked at me confused.

"What for?" She asked curiously.

"I'm sorry that you have to stay with us since you drove my car here"

She just gave me an 'are you crazy?' look.

"I'm here because I want to be. I want to make sure this one is okay" She said while running her finger over Delaneys small soft hands.

"Delaney Penston"

I quickly got up with Delaney in my arms while Claire followed close behind.

"Okay I'll need to get her weight" The nurse said while pointing at the scale.

I set Delaney down but she turned around and began crying for me.

I grabbed her uninjured hand and walked her to the scale where the nurse quickly took her weight so she could come back to my arms.

After everything was done the nurse walked us to a bed in a room that was separated by curtains.

"The doctor will be in shortly"

I thanked her and she left.

I sat back on the hospital bed with Delaney in my lap while Claire sat in a chair by the bed.

My baby girl (Babies series #1)Where stories live. Discover now