Chapter Seven

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Bolded words are memories. I know it sounds like a broken record but some people may be confused.

Sasuke's Point of View

           Naruto slammed his door shut in anger. He was years older since the last memory. He had a headband on so he was at least 12. Some of the villagers had caught him on his way home and spewed their usual hate. It made him so angry and so sad at the same time. He pulled out a kunai and cut a deep cut. Deeper than he ever has before. Blood came flowing out of him in rivers. Naruto sighed in delight.

          "Naruto! You cut too deep!" Kurama growled. Kurama usually does not heal Naruto's self inflicted wounds, but this one was deep. He had to.

           "Damnit Kurama! I barely had anytime to enjoy that!" He yelled in his mind. Kurama ignored him but sent a warning growl at him.

           Naruto was so angry, he clenched his fists and sent them straight at his bedroom door. The wood crumbled from the force and splintered into dust.

           "Woah. Such power. No chakra either. Stronger than Sakura's for sure." I commented. Naruto smirked and nodded. I had a hunch that it was even stronger than Tsunades.

           The pain from the blows calmed him. He sat on his bed panting hard. He forced the words from the villagers out of his mind. He spotted teddy and started talking.

           "So teddy, today I was assigned to a team. I was put on Sakura and Sasuke's team. I wish Sakura had been placed on another team. I swear that damn voice of hers is going to make me lose my hearing one of these days. If I have to hear her go on and on about Sasuke anymore, I think I will vomit. Any idiot can tell that he is not interested in her."

           I snorted. It was true. Naruto smirked.

           "I am glad to be on Sasuke's team. It means that I can spend some time with him, even if he does not like me. Although I am worried about him. You should have heard him teddy. During introductions he was talking about an ambition of his. He said he wants to restore his clan and kill a certain someone. I know he is talking about Itachi."

            I looked sharply at Naruto. How did he know about Itachi back then? Naruto looked away quickly. My suspicions rose.

           "He is set on a path of revenge, which worries me. It is not the revenge itself. I in my own way want revenge on this god forsaken village. But it is more of the fact that Itachi is innocent."

           "WHAT?! Naruto you better start explaining some things or I am going to lose it." I demanded. He had a nervous expression on his face.

           "Calm down Sasuke. I will tell you. But please be calm. I don't like seeing you like this." He said with worry in his eyes. That calmed me. I could tell he cared about me. Inside I was jumping for joy. Not that I am going to admit that to him. Instead I nodded sharply.

           "One of the times when I was in Jiji's library, it is the Hokage's personal library. Only Hokage are allowed to enter. I had snuck in while everyone was sleeping. I was trying to find some jutsus to learn when I noticed a bunch of scrolls that had blood seals on them. Only Hokage were allowed to open them. Or someone of the Hokage blood. With my dad being the fourth Hokage, I knew my blood would work-"

           I cut him off. "Your dad was the Fourth Hokage?" I ask narrowing my eyes in shock. He does resemble the fourth a lot. I wonder how I did not notice this.

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