32. Emma's Valentine

Start from the beginning

"Which is why I invited the party people," Maggie giggled.

"Party people?"

I jumped when a popping sound filled the air. I looked up to see Alex on the second floor.

"Are we going to get this started or what?" He asked.

I turned to Maggie with narrowed eyes, asking her what he was doing here.

She raised her hands in defense. "We needed some people for this party."

"Come on!" Oh no. She did not. "Where's the music?" I turned around and it was confirmed: Maggie had invited Sophie freaking Wagner.

"No you didn't," I said, hoping Maggie didn't really invite her.

"Uh....yeah. About that," Maggie laughed nervously.

"Maggie! This was supposed to be for Emma! What the heck is she doing here? She's only going to ruin the party!"

"What did you say?" Sophie huffed.

I groaned inwardly and put on the fakest smile I could muster before turning to face her.

"Nothing at all, Sophie."

She rolled her eyes. I honestly did not know why she hated me so much.

"I didn't come here for you, so stop feeling all special," she said, none too gently.

I turned back to Maggie, waiting for an answer.

She sighed and pulled me away to talk in privacy.

"Look. I'm sorry, but I owe her."

"Owe her?" I snorted. "What would you owe her for?"

Maggie guiltily avoided my eyes.

"She used to be my friend. Best friend."

My eyes widened. "What?! When?!"

"It was a while ago. She's not that bad, just a little possessive."

I groaned. All this time I thought Sophie hated me for no reason. She must have hated me for the same reason I hated the Big Five.

"I grew up with Sophie. Her dad is the principle of our school, so she can get a bit cocky and braggy. She doesn't mean to, but that's just how she grew up. Right before you came, I had a huge fight with her. We stopped being best friends after fighting over a guy and when you came along, it only got worse.

"You and Emma were already close by then and when I 'joined' your group, Sophie came over to me to apologize. When she saw me with the two of you, I guess she felt like I betrayed her. On top of that....ugh. I got angry at her. For stealing the guy I liked. She said she was sorry, but I brushed her off.

"I've been feeling bad about it for a while and I thought I could be friends with her again. She was never the type to throw her body at every guy. She changed about a year ago. I let it pass, but I don't like seeing her like this. I'm just trying to fix this."

I sighed. "Yeah. I understand what you mean. Alright. I'll allow her to stay."

Maggie smiled gratefully. She began to go back to the party, which had begun.

"Wait," I grabbed her arm before she could leave. "Did Emma know about this?"

Maggie shook her head. "Not really. I mean she knew I was friends with Sophie and all, but she didn't really know that I was her best friend. I never really hung out with her until I fought with Sophie."

I nodded and let her go. So the cold, mean girl did have a heart after all.

She wasn't all that different from me. Wow. What a disturbing thought.

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