Teen Titans Vs The VK's

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The Teen Titans have just arrived in Gotham and went to the hotel they were staying in. Batman calls Robin and tells him to come over as soon as he can.

Robin: I'm on my way Bats.

Batman: Meet me in the cave.

Robin hangs up the phone

Cyborg: Who was that?

Robin: Uh, just an old friend from when I went to school here.

Cyborg: Ookay, well me and Gar are going bowling, but feel free to call us if you need anything.

Robin: Sure, no doubt.

Cyborg leaves the hotel. Robin turns around, and walks towards the kitchen as Raven frightened him.

Robin: Ah! R-Rachel what are you doing here?

Raven: Your lying...

Robin: Excuse me? W-

Rachel: Bruce Wayne. He's Batman, he's the one your going to see, now correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you leave Gotham City to stop being your, I don't know, foster parent will stop making you a sidekick, his puppet, the one who everybody forgets when cameras come around?

Robin: 😐... Rachel how do-

Raven: I'm not stupid Dick, why are you lying to us, your team, your family? You think we're going to tell your Playboy foster dad secret identity? If so, your just as worse, putting your fellow teammates into your shadow so you get all the fame and attention! Not today, Dick I love you and I respect you, but you will not treat us like Bruce treated you, I'm NOT HAVING IT!!!

Robin: I- I umm, I have to go. Nice speaking to you.

Raven: Dick!

Robin: What?

Raven: You told the rest of the team and I who you really was because you trusted us, us as a team, but for Bruce not to trust in his "son" and not tell him he was the Batman, that would've made me real mad.

Robin: Goodbye Raven.

Robin leaves the hotel and hitches a taxi, going to the Wayne Manor. Meanwhile back at the hotel, the others were being stalked.

Starfire: Did you hear that?

Raven: Hear what?

Starfire: 🤐🤐🤐! Shutup Raven.

BOOM! A hole appeared in the wall showing the park across the street. Hovering around stood Blackfire, Terra, Jinx, Jericho, and Mammoth.

Blackfire: Hey sissy, missed me😈

Starfire: How?

Jericho: Next time you know you have a group of villains looking for you, try not to fly around in a T-shaped jet across several states.

Raven: Who the hell are you?!

Jinx: Sorry, how rude of us to not properly introduce you to one each other.

Terra: Titans this is Jericho, Jericho meet the Titans. Oh yeah, now that us villains have formed our team we started going by TFT.

Blackfire: The Five Threats.

Mammoth: He's Slades son! Show what your made of kid!

Jericho: My pleasure

Jericho's eyes and his hand glow blue using his manipulation powers to throw Starfire into the wall.

Raven: Star!!!

Jericho: Unlike, my pathetic father, I have powers and know how to use them, unlike you foolish Titans.

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