Interception By The Villians

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An hour before the Homecoming game, Bruce helps Dick looks for a apartment. Dick has Bruce a few questions as well about all of his friends.

Dick: You know my friends said that they need superheroes like Robin here in Jumpcity.

Bruce: Yeah, and whats your point.

Dick: I need you to run files on all of my friends, including that Rachel girl.

Bruce: Why is that Dick?

Dick: I think their all hiding something from each other that they wouldn't want other people know.

Bruce: You don't plan on making a superhero team of your owns do you? What is it going to be called "Young Justice?"

Dick: I was thinking a little bit more like the Teen Titans.

Bruce: I like it, I call Oracle when we get to the new house, and if you do make a team of your owns your going to need an headquarters.

Dick: Where I am going to find a person thats going to sale a house to five teenagers?

Bruce: Your not. On my way over here I found a skyscraper on an island by itself, its a little raggedy, but we can improve it.

Dick: Alrighty then lets go get a house.

Bruce: Get in the car.

Bruce and Dick drive to the private island and goes over by Bruce's car turning into a boat.

Dick: Please don't tell me this is what you plan on making me stay in, Bruce?

Bruce: All it needs is some improvements.

Dick: All it needs is to be torn down.

Bruce: Its not the Wayne Manor, but trust me I'll call some people to come fix it up, and by the time you get back from the homecoming game Im sure that this tower is going to meet your expertise.

Dick: Seriously? You'll get the job down.

Bruce: Dick, you've taught me how to become a better man, and you are like a child to me. Its time or you to grow up an for me to let go.

Dick: Thanks Bruce, and I know Damian is going to more than happy to finally be with his father after eight years.

Dick gets on his motorcycle after getting back in the main road. Only thirty three minutes away from the school, and the game starting in fifteen minutes. Two minutes before he gets to the school he sees a car that was following him since he left the tower. He doesn't take any type of suspicion. So he just buys his ticket and sits next Garfield.

Garfield: Dick! Over here bro.

Dick: So what did I miss?

Garfield: Kori gave a spectacular performance, and Victor already made two touchdowns, tackled twelve people, and caught one interception.

It is know the 3rd Quarter of the game. And the whole stadium has a black out. Dick quickly vanishes inside the school where it is also dark at and changes into Robin.

Mysterious Male: Jumpcity High.......

The mysterious man continues to talk as Robin listens closely. He takes the person following him here is the suspect, and that the suspect is an old friend from Gotham. Rachel now as Raven with nobody knowing its her cuts all the lights back on.

Raven: Azarth Mitrion Zinthos!

Robin: Everybody get as far away as you can from the school.

Slade: If it isn't the Boy Wonder.

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