As your kiss fades

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 As I look back at It, I realise how un happy Chris must have been watching the love of his life so close to someone he didn't even know let alone trust. I will never forgive myself for coming up with the solution to Chris's problem...

'Please?' I said staring at Chris 'Do It for me.' I continued persistently. He sighed heavily looking down at me.

'Fine, only for you.' He said smiling slightly. I kissed him, cupping my hands around his face.

'Thank you.' I whispered. I hugged him tightly. I didn't want to worry about Chris and Skylar alone together but I knew It had to be done. Skylar had been acting inappropriately according to Chris. At first I denied any of his examples but later on I realised what he meant. The way Skylar would slip his hands down my waist when we were hugging, or when he brushed stray hairs out of my face, looking deep into my eyes, even when Chris was around. I didn't want to create tension.

Skylar arrived late.

Maybe It was because I had told him I wanted him to hang out with Chris, or maybe It was the thought that the day wouldn't be centered around us.

Chris answered the door. Letting him In, Skylar made his way into the kitchen. He hugged me tight. Chris looked into my eyes, I could see him boiling, I let go quickly.  I wasn't entirely sure what guys do so I suggested I stay at the apartment and they go out for a while. Chris tried to look happy but Skylar just shrugged unenthusiastically. I sighed.

'Good luck.' I whispered In Chris's ear. I could feel him smile slightly.

I hugged him tightly, holding him close, breathing In his scent. I waved bye and closed the door. It was already three, I wondered how long till they would come back.

They stayed out for 2 hours. I was impressed. I heard the door open.

'Hey! How was it?' I called out from the kitchen. There was no reply. I fetched the coffee out of the cupboard and set it on the table.

'Chris? I'm making coffee do you want some-' I was stopped to see Skylar standing In the kitchen door. I jumped dropping a spoon clumsily on the floor.

'Chris Is down stairs getting some stuff from the shop.' He said edging towards me. The tone In his voice made my stomach lurch. I knew something was wrong.

'Oh. Okay. How was It.' I said but he turned away.

'Taylor, I'm going to get right to the point, I hate him okay- hes not for you.' He spat every individual word fast making the sentance sour and unpleasant.

'What do you mean.' I said quietly.

He turned to me. I edged back into the corner of the kitchen. He was right in front of me. Looking down at me, His breath tickling my face.

'I mean. I love you Taylor.' Before his words sunk into me, I felt his hand behind my head, grabbing at my head, his fist pressed into my hair. I tried to turn my head but not fast enough his lips crushed onto mine and I pushed my hands against his chest. I kept trying to turn bur his head twisted with my own. 

At the worst moment. Chris walked into the kitchen. The tears streamed down my face. I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt free. Skylar was no longer pressed against me. Instead I heard him fall to the floor. Chris standing above him. Fist reared. Skylar lying on the floor, his lip already bloody. My heart pounded and the blood in my ears rushed.

'Stop!' I screamed at Chris. He was breathing hard, the vein in his head was pulsing. Chris touched at his lip and stood up. He was staring hard and cold at Chris, their eyes locked. I screamed.

'No! Skylar just leave. NOW!' I yelled It so pleadingly he turned his head and looked at me.

'Think about It. Hes a bastard.' He said looking at Chris he spat the words and then glared back at Chris

Skylar turned his way out of the kitchen and wound out of the front door. I looked at Chris. His head was down and turned away from me. I collapsed down. I was curled up, sobbing into myself. Thank god no one was hurt. Chris stood for a while and looked down at me. Eventually he bent down and picked me up, laying me down on our bed. He lay beside me. I kept my eyes closed, I was ashamed though I didn't know why. He cupped my face with his hands and gently pressed his thumbs against my closed eye lids. I stopped crying and cuddled into his chest.

When I opened my eyes I was still laying with Chris and It was darker. Chris was sitting upright, cradling me. He was staring at the wall. Not seeing just looking.

'What do I do...' I whispered to him. 'I've ruined everything.' I said sadly.

'Leave me.' He said quietly. I sat up and looked at him In shock. 'I know you love him. I am nothing.' He said emotionless, though there were tears in his eyes.

'I love you Chris. No one else. You can count on that forever. I promise I will never hurt you.' I said curling up around him, crying again.

For a moment he was silent still and he sat stiff but then I felt him relax and his arms went limp. He kissed my head and hugged me gently, soothing me.

My heart hurt but the guilt was gone but Skylar was still very much alive and he hated Chris...

As your kiss fadesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon