Chapter 82- Pep Talks

Start from the beginning

Molly grabbed her pillow and turn in the bed until she was they were both laying on either side of Junior. "Because of the way he's face lights up when he sees you" Molly said. "Or he could just have gas" she joked smiling into her pillow.

"Oh Junior isn't Molly a funny girl" Cristiano said rolling his eyes. "He's a smart baby Cristiano of he knows who his family is. He already knows that Dolores adores him. Which is obvious cos he is so adorable. So he's smart" she said brushing a finger over Junior's forehead. "How could he not be smart? It's in his blood" he said staring at her.

The door opened and Cristiano sat up. "Oh hello" Dolores said. "I just came looking for Junior" Cristiano said as his mother stood at the door smiling. "So was I but I can see my grandson is very popular this morning but at least I have the day with him" Dolores said making both Cristiano and Molly frown.

"You'll probably be putting him to bed by the time I get back" he said. "Ronaldo" Molly said sitting up. "You don't know what these shoots are like Molly. There long even when it's just me. There's the whole team today" he said. "But today you have me" she said and he looked at her. "Like at the shoot..." she stuttered. "I'm going to get breakfast started" she said standing. "I'll help you and leave my boys spend time together" Dolores said. "That sounds like a good plan. And while we're getting the food ready Cristiano can change your grandson's nappy" Molly smiled.

"Hey" Cristiano said. "You are chief nappy changer" Molly laughed walking out of the room. "What?" he asked as his mother stood smiling at him. "Nothing" she said. "Why are you smiling?" he asked standing with Junior. "Can't a mother just be happy watching her family together" she said. "Love you too Maé" he said placing a kiss on her cheek as he headed for Junior's nursery.

"Like do you know how many times we are going to have to hear about how hot and stylish they are now they are doing this shoot" Elma rambled as Molly ran around the office at Cristiano's. Ana had decided that there was no point in Molly driving to the hotel where the shoot was when she was driving past. Plus Ana wanted to see how Molly was coping with the mess Cristiano had gotten involved with. "It will be fine" Molly said grabbing her phone. "They don't need everyone telling them how hot and stylish they are" Ana said. "If it makes you feel better I can tell them that the magazine should have asked Pique to do it" Molly said. "Yes that would make me feel better" Ana laughed.

"Although it would only annoy Ronaldo and Ramos if you said it" Ana mumbled. "What did you say?" Molly asked as she shut the laptop down. "I asked if you were ready" Ana said. "Just have to say adeus to Dolores and then we can go" Molly smiled as the two women walked down the hall towards the living room. "So what have you planned for the day Dolores?" Ana asked. "I'm going to enjoy the quiet and empty house" Dolores said. "You miss not having Katia and the boys here. This place isn't the same without everyone" Molly said. "Elma and Nuno have gone out for the day so I'm going to enjoy time with this gorgeous boy" Dolores smiled at Junior. "And Irina" Molly said as the model entered the room wearing only a black bikini.

"Working hard I see Irina" Ana said and Molly frowned at Ana. The last thing she nodded was a row. "I'm resting before my Vogue shoot next week. I don't get paid the big money to look tired like some people" Irina said as Molly yawned. "Some people are probably too busy looking after your boyfriend's son to sleep much" Ana said. "Right Ana we should go. Enjoy your day Irina" Molly said. "I will" she replied.

"Thanks for watching him Dolores" Molly said handing Junior a teddy. "My pleasure" Dolores said. "I'm sure Dolores doesn't mind doing something that's your job" Irina said. "Now wait a min-

"Let's go Ana" Molly said as her phoned beeped. "There's a bottle in the fridge Dolores" Molly said. "Molly we'll be fine now go and have fun" Dolores said. "Ya go have fun. I'm sure you won't mess it up too much" Irina said. "Bye" Molly said turning to leave. It was silly she wasn't the only one who looked after Junior. But she hadn't really gone to the whole day not being around him. Molly had being too busy dealing with calls in the morning that she hadn't really seen Junior only when she had bought him into her room earlier.

"Who the hell does that dumb bitch think she is" Ana asked angrily as she turned the engine on in the car. "Just ignore her. And don't call her dumb" Molly said opening an email on her phone. "She is dumb if she can't see what's straight in front of her" Ana mumbled.

"In front of what?" Molly asked only half listening as she read the seventh email Higuin's agent had sent her. "We'll be at the hotel before you know it" Ana said. "Oh don't say that" Molly groaned. "Jezz you really are nervous" Ana said as Molly's leg bounced. "Well I was nervous this morning. Now I', petrified. The guy the club was sending isn't coming so it's just me. And I have to meet the photographer, the stylists and everyone else" Molly said. "Molly, Jorge thinks you are capable to manage everything" Ana said. "That's what Cristiano said this morning" Molly said. "Mmm I guess he's right for once" Ana said as Molly clicked open a text.

"Well I hope he is right about today" Molly said as she read the text.

"Stop being nervous. You've got this. Hello you get to boss us around. You're already good at that" it read and she laughed. "Something funny?" Ana said. "Just a muppett" Molly said smiling.  

Take Good Care Of My Baby-Sequel to You,Me and BabyWhere stories live. Discover now