|| n. horan |*|

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Niall: "Strong"


Niall and I met only a few months ago. But in that time, we have become really close. He was quickly becoming a very close friend; and honestly, when I think about it, I know that I could trust him with my life, if need be. At least, that's what I had thought up until yesterday.

We were having a normal day, just hanging out at his flat, when we both decided we wanted to go out for lunch. There were already many rumors going around about Niall's 'mystery girl;' and I'm not stupid, I knew they were talking about me. But I personally didn't care. I knew they were only rumors; and I also knew that I would never have to deal with anything past the rumors because honestly, I didn't want to ruin the friendship I had already begun to build up with him.

I wanted nothing but to be friends. Sure, he's cute. I mean, look at him; who wouldn't think that. I like everything about him, but there's just no way I could do anything about it. Nothing could ever come from our friendship, because I know I wouldn't be able to handle the hate that came from his fans.

I never really understood why he got so upset yesterday. We had gone out to get lunch, and he left the table for a few minutes to use the restroom; when he returned, there was a guy sitting at the table with talking to me. He said he wanted to get to know me, so he asked me on a date. I definitely wasn't convinced at first, but finally agreed to it. I didn't have much of a choice anyway.

It was then that I realized that Niall was standing behind me when I agreed to the date.

I was slightly confused to see Niall this way. He was furious. His face wasn't too pleasant to look at. His ocean blue eyes had darkened and were shooting daggers at me, and I didn't understand why. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now. His fists were clenched so much that his knuckles were becoming whiter than they already were. But I had no idea why he was furious.

He said some hurtful things before storming out the door. I've honestly been trying to figure out what was going on and came up with nothing. I have no clue what I could have done wrong. And honestly, I don't care much to find out. He wasn't the same person that I thought him to be.

The Niall I knew, wouldn't lash out on me like that, for no apparent reason. And if there was a reason for this, I didn't know what it was.

It was no use talking to him after that all happened. I ignored all of his phone calls, and deleted his texts before reading them. I kind of just wanted to distance myself from him in all possible ways.

Overnight, the rumors skyrocketed from me being Niall's mystery girl to the girl who was only using Niall for his money and fame. That wasn't something I was to happy about. I knew Niall never took these sorts of things well. And I noticed more people talking about him than me. Saying he was dumb and ugly and that he should die. I even noticed some people telling him that that's the reason he didn't have a girlfriend. That that was the reason I cheated on him, even though, I couldn't possibly cheat on him if we weren't even together. I truly did hope he was doing well, but I knew that after what he said yesterday, he didn't want to talk to me; and I didn't really feel like talking to him either.

I was really tired of everything, and decided to go to bed to try to get my mind off of things. I was just about to climb into bed, when I heard the door bell ring, followed by multiple rushed knocks onto the door.

I wondered who would be at the door at 11:30 pm as I walked over and slowly opened the door. I peeked out to see a terrible looking Niall. It looked like he hadn't slept an ounce since the night before, and just looked broken down. Why was he here; and why did he look so terrible?  Maybe it was from everything that people were saying about him.

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