Devora pushed Nathan away, her arms weak with barely any strength left in them. What she intended to be a harsh shove was no more than a soft pat, barely even moving Nathan from his position. He still leaned away, nevertheless, just slightly to give her the space she needed. Taking the opportunity, she pivoted her body slightly so that she faced away from him.

"I'm fine," she stated simply, forcing out a lie through gritted teeth, refusing to say more.

"No, you're not." Nathan frowned, moving a little closer to her once more. "Your hands are freezing and you've been slipping in and out of consciousness without looking one bit rested. Let me help you."

"I don't need your help!" Her tone came out snappier than she had intended it to, not that she minded. It was better that it held venom. Maybe that way Nathan would be able to take the hint and leave her alone.

Mustering all the strength she could, she pulled both her legs up to the seats, wrapping her arms around them to preserve body heat while her forehead rested on her knees. From beside her, she could hear Nathan sigh before she felt a piece of fabric being draped over her shoulders. Sneaking a peek through the gaps, she noticed Nathan had laid a cloth over her shoulders, a piece of fabric that he had obtained from who-knows-where. He then retreated back to the far corner he was at right before coming over.

A feeling of remorse bloomed in Devora's chest, nearly suffocating her with thoughts. She desperately tried to shove them to the back of her mind and to ignore the logical explanations her brain had offered. Deep down, she knew that Nathan meant well and that he cared for her in his own right. After all, he offered her his food despite his own hungry stomach, protected her from being smothered by her own thoughts, and offered her a listening ear when he wasn't obligated to do so. He only had to bring her back alive but he went out of his way to do so much more for her.

However, she also couldn't ignore what had gone down back in the forest clearing. Whatever trust was built between the both of them had shattered at that moment. Ultimately, he still kept information from her. By default, that was a lie.

"He likes you," a voice croaked. Devora's gaze shot up to see Leah staring right at her. Her wide eyes were emotionless other than a tiny bit of amusement that couldn't be concealed. "It's so obvious."

"He doesn't like me," Devora retorted, snorting. She folded her legs under her, trying to find a comfortable position. "He doesn't even know me. We literally just met. And I don't like him either."

For the first time since knowing her, Devora noticed a mischief-filled smirk gracing Leah's features. By the time Devora noticed her mistake in her choice of words, it was too late. Leah had long caught it.

"I never said that you did," Leah rebutted.

"You implied it," Devora replied in a weak attempt to defend herself.

The conversation ended there, no more words passed between the two girls as they went back to their silent fuming contest. Devora, however, would never admit that Leah's words had affected her. It planted a seed of doubt within her heart and she began to question whether she was attracted to him or not.

It couldn't be helped, of course. Nathan was a charming man that had played the perfect role of a knight in shining armor during her lowest time. He broke her out of a place that resembled hell and set her free. However, that freedom was also taken away by the same person that had liberated her.

Nathaniel Jerald was a killer, a cold-blooded assassin that took lives as easily as a child plucking sweets off the shelves of a candy store. Gray's words from before echoed into her mind as well. Nathan wasn't just an average assassin. He was the very best, the one at the top of the killing game. If there was ever the need, he would raise his gun to send a bullet flying her way. She was just lucky that she wasn't the target this time around.

No matter how nice Nathan truly was deep inside, it still couldn't change what he was trained and manufactured to do. He still took lives for a living. Of course, she wasn't any better. After all, she had her own list of people that she eradicated from the realm of the living.

 After all, she had her own list of people that she eradicated from the realm of the living

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