Chapter Twenty

Magsimula sa umpisa

Since I am on my way to this mental institution that means the jury found it in their big ol’ hearts, (note the sarcasm), to find me not guilty by reason of insanity. It is said to believe that at the time of Barbara’s murder I was mentally ill and I had no idea what I had been doing. Ariella told me that Captain Phillips reopened the Messenger case and reviewed it, there is a big chance that Kenny might get acquitted of the charges. They wouldn’t be able to pin it on me because I never left any evidence tying me to it. But there won’t be any doubt in his mind that I was responsible for those girls deaths. Barbara’s death is identical to theirs in more ways than one.

Once the jury announced my verdict the entire courtroom went into a frenzy. People were angry, some were crying and others like myself were too shocked to react. Hector tried to hold his composure and keep it professional but he ended up losing that battle and grinning like a child on Christmas. He pulled me up and engulfed me in a man-like hug. 

A man in the gallery stood up and was yelling every profanity imagined while stalking towards me. I recognized that man, he’s the guy on the SWAT team, Barbara's brother I believe. Judge Christopher Clarkson was banging his gavel trying to gain order back into his courtroom. An elderly man, I’m guessing to be his father, grabbed his arm trying to calm down his indignant son. I unknowingly smirked at his behavior thinking it was childish. In a blink of an eye, he whipped out a .44 caliber pistol and pointed it at my chest. Just as he pulled the trigger firing the gun, Hector grabbed ahold of my jumpsuit and threw our bodies on the ground. Seconds later, a woman's scream pierced the air causing me to groan. I slowly glanced toward the jury box where the scream came from. A member of the jury, a young woman twenty-eight or nine to be exact, was slumped against the seat with her eyes rolled in the back of her head. My eyes were wide with the realization that if he hadn’t have pushed my body out of the way I would have been the one with a bullet in me.

The chubby bailiff and a few police officers tackled and arrested the man. He had this deranged look in his eyes as he was being dragged away. He had every intention on killing me today whether if I was guilty or not. I understand why he wanted to kill me today, sending me away to prison wouldn’t bring his sister back nor would it silence the ever building rage inside of him. So, he must have decided that the only way he can live again is if he took my life. An eye for an eye, to put it quite frankly. Something I know all about.

I started to get restless and fidgety, long car rides were never for me. Who knew Grand Rapids was so far away from Ypsilanti. I lost track of how long we have actually been in this van but for me it's entirely too long. The police officer that was assigned to stay in the back with me, looks completely bored and disinterested. He hasn’t glanced away from me for a second but I can tell he is getting a bit weary.

“So, what is your name officer?” I asked. He blinked slowly as he registered that I just soke to him.

“What?” he said, in a gruff tone. He looked defensive and not wanting to speak with me.

“I asked what your name is. What do they call you?” His muscular arms folded against his chest as he stared at me.

“Why?” I shrugged my good shoulder. The other one doesn’t hurt that much anymore but it just healed and I’m not trying to push my luck.

“Because we have been riding in this car for quite sometime and we haven’t spoken one word to each other. So I am trying to break the ice by speaking up first.”

“Well don’t, I have no interest in talking to people like you. Just shut up until we get where we’re going.” He huffed and rolled his eyes.

“Oh, c’mon? Where is the fun in that, I’m bored, you’re bored. Let’s just entertain each other. Besides I doubt that we are from from the hospital so it will only be for a few minutes.” He pondered this for a moment before answering.

The MessengerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon