Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I sat at my desk sipping the hot liquid as I gazed around the precinct. Not much has changed in the course of these two months, if anything things has calmed down and went back to normal or as normal as it can get around here. The mood around here is calm, no more on the edge or jittery anxious feelings. With much to my persuasion Rachel has decided to take a personal leave from work. It may sound a bit selfish but I want Rachel all to myself. If she is away from me, there is no way I can know what she is doing or who she is with. I know I could just ask her but I don’t want to seem possessive and clingy.

The other reason is because she feels undeniably guilty because of her now paraplegic partner. She cried in my arms for hours the week before she had to return back to her Bureau. She couldn’t cope with the fact that her actions caused her partner to possibly never walk again. The chances are slim to none because he took a bullet to the spine. If you ask me, he is lucky to even still be alive. Most people couldn’t survive a bullet to the middle of their back, so he has no right to be angry with her.

 Rachel believes that once she sees him again for the first time since the incident, he will shun her, ultimately holding a grudge against her. Being the kind-hearted human being that she is, Rachel can not stand when a person is mad at her or even the slightest bit upset. She will do anything in her power to cheer you up or atleast talk about why you are mad at her. That is one of the many things I love about her.

It hasn’t been easy sneaking behind Caroline’s back to see Rachel. She would often question where I was off to or who I was going to see that day but I simply replied that I was either called in to work or I needed some time to myself. One night when I came home from spending the day with Rachel and her friends, Linny stopped eating her dinner and studied me also sniffing the air. I shifted uncomfortably under her gaze as she analyzed every detail of my body. After five minutes of silent staring she finally stood from her seat and walked behind me and inhaled my scent deeply. I asked her why the hell was she sniffing me, but she simply blinked a few times as if I broken the trance that seemed to have consumed her. A smile slowly spread across her face before she shook her head indicating for me to drop the subject. I didn’t speak of it anymore that night but I made sure I always stayed with Rachel long after she fell asleep so I could have a shower before I returned back home to Caroline.

From the corner of my eye I noticed Barbra fix her hair in her compact mirror before sauntering over to Caleb, a fellow co-worker of mine. She stood a bit too close, for them to be just having a friendly conversation. She placed her hand on his bicep squeezing it lightly as she pressed her body into him. He smirked cunningly and made no attempt to remove her body off of his arm.

“Hey, Caleb,” Barbara cooed while twirling a blonde piece of hair on her finger. She seductively chewed her gum as she looked up to him. She purposely pressed her breasts together to get his attention better, and like the dumb man I pegged him to be he definitely noticed. They both are married yet they are looking at each other as if they are a pair of horny teenagers.

“Hey… Barbara,” he replied distractedly. He still blatantly stared down at her cleavage. She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth as if she is getting turned on just by his gaze. I would roll my eyes if i wasn’t so interested in seeing what is going to happen next.

“So, my husband left for his business trip last night and I’m going to be alone all weekend.” She slightly pouted and batted her fake lashes. Everything about this woman just screamed fake, I don’t believe anything she has used for attention are real or happen to be actually hers.

“Oh, really? We wouldn't want that, how ‘bout I come over and keep you… company?” Caleb suggested as his eyelashes fluttered down in a wink.

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