Chapter One

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Chapter One

I fumbled with my stupid tie as I trotted down the staircase. In all my thirty-six years of living, I Liam Bauer has never learned how to correctly tie a tie. That was Annabelle's job, I thought bitterly. She could still be with me, helping me tie this damned tie, but the lying slut couldn't keep her legs shut long enough. Apparently I wasn't the only one satisfying her.

The first few months upon me moving out and going to go live with my sister, Caroline, were rough. I often found myself fantasizing about driving back to that house and strangling the life out of her. Part of me, wanted, no, needed answers from her. Why did she destroy a perfectly good relationship? Was it because of my work schedule that had me gone hours of the night? But I had no control over that, she knew prior to the engagement that detectives have demanding schedules. If not one of my questions are answered, I'll demand an explanation for this; why did you pick Kenny, my best friend to fuck? You couldn't have found any other male specimen on this earth besides Kenny? Finding those two together in my fucking bed infuriated me. I snapped, I attacked my best friend of twelve years. Even though Annabelle tried pullling me away from him, I kept beating on him until he was moaning on the floor with a barely recognizable face. Only then I felt semi-satisfied.

I later realized it wasn't me that wasn't me that did anything wrong. It was her that cheated on me. It was her that decided to go around a whoring. It was all her. With the help of Caroline, I realized all of this. But I can't be entirely mad at her. Being a slut is embedded into her genes. All red-haired women are devils. Caroline has told me this time and time again. Barely at the age of thirteen our precious father walked out on us. He ran off with his secretary, which who happened to be pregnant at the time. She also happened to be a red head.

I was foolish enough to ever doubt Caroline; she was right all along. She told me Annabelle was no good when i first introduced them. At first I thought she just didn't like her because of her history with red headed women, but it wasn't just that it was her intuition. At the time I insisted that what Annabelle and I was real. I loved her and she loved me. Wrong. Terribly utterly wrong. I had to get my heart smashed to smithereens to realize this.

Caroline pushed my hands away from the tie, snapping me away from my depressing memories. She tied my tie with ease, then gave me a wide toothy grin. After awhile her gaze didnt falter.

"Why are you just staring at me?" I asked.

"Just admiring your unique face, Liam," she jokes.

I playfully scoff at her. "Oh, yeah, besides the fact that you have a face exactly like mine. Real unique." That isn't a lie. Caroline and I are faternal twins. We have the same electric blue eyes, same muddy brown hair, except mine is short and usually combed to the back. The only difference is our height. While I stand at six foot two, she is only five foot seven.

"Well if you want to get technical, you have a face exactly like mine, I mean I was born first."

"Gosh why wont you let that go, Caroline? One minute. You're older than me by one minute." She simply shrugged.

"So? I'm still older than you," she said causing us both to laugh. Her laughing ceased just as quickly it began. "But seriously." Caroline always could switch moods in a matter of seconds.

"What?" I asked finally. Instead of answering me she tilted her head to the side and studied me. I could always tell when she wants to say something but can't word it correctly. Her eyes get this distant look in them, as do mine.

"Any day now, you'll run into Anna-"

"I know," I state firmly. "When I do, I'll handle it."

"Don't do it carelessly. Calculate all the possibilities and outcomes."

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