Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I faintly heard the sound of voices talking around me, from what I can tell the voices both belong to males. They were speaking in a hushed tone but I could just barely make out what they are saying.

“...It was the guys’ sister for Christ sake. If it were my sister, I would’ve handled things the same way. Matter of fact, I would have made it hell for him. I would have been the one going to jail for murder not him,” one of them said. I get the feeling that they are referring to me but I can’t be sure.

“I hear ya. He would have way more than just a fractured rib and a dislocated shoulder. I’d take a bat and break his legs, then his freaking arms,” the other added. He paused, probably to think. “Hey, I just thought of something. Didn’t one of the detectives say that Barbara’s death was similar to the Messenger girls?” His voice was slightly deeper and more raspy than the other guy.

“Yeah I believe so, why? What are you getting at?”

“Then that means they caught the wrong guy-”

“Or we just have a sick bastard that wants to mimic him,” one of the two men cut in. I am slightly curious to see where this discussion is headed. But then again I shouldn’t care, I don’t know these men and they know nothing of my craft, my art. I knew it would come down to this some people not understanding that I am doing them all a favor. Saving them from the dark inhabitants of the world. In due time everyone will realize that these devils need to stopped. We have to team up together to get rid of them. Finally cleansing our earth.

It will come as a shock to some at first that the devil himself, or herself if I should say, walks this very earth with us. Going through everyday life like we do. She hasn’t been living in the place we all know as Hell, she has been with us. Even though she has always been with us, she has her minions actually do the havoc part. They are the reason for all of the turmoil in the world, because of them fear is instilled in us at an early age. We are taught that if we are bad people or if we do bad things we will be sent to Hell to burn internally, with the devil and the rest of the bad people who do bad things. But they failed to teach us that Hell is right here on this very earth. 

We eat, drink, and sleep in Hell and we all are completely oblivious of this fact. But I figured it out, I figured out we have been tricked brainwashed if you must into believing that our actions here determine where we go in the afterlife. A decision that is made by God if our souls go to heaven to live internally or we go to hell. But God can not send me to where I have been living in all my life. A place of evil and suffering. If hell is a place where bad people who does bad things go then He already thinks we are already bad in His eyes.

Not you Liam, you are a prophet… a guru...

Yes I am a prophet, my sole purpose is to spread my knowledge of the devil’s presence on this earth. Once I have taught everyone we will eliminate each and every one of them.

Then you’ll prove your worthiness ...

“Let me finish alright,” the man started again. “Like I was saying, they had to bag the wrong guy because that Liam guy tried carving something in her face too.”

“That still isn’t saying much, I mean I’m not defending the guy or nothing, but be reasonable here. All of those victims had red hair or some form of it. Barbara didn’t she’s as blonde as they come. I’m just saying he wouldn’t have pled guilty to all of those charges if he hadn’t killed those girls.” There was another pause following his last sentence. His words rang loudly in my head, in a weird way he is right. Why did Kenny plead guilty to a crime he knows damn well  he had no part of? Why had he not even try to fight it, lie or something. He went down way too quietly and I’m just starting to figure that out. 

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