12 // In My Arms

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Hey I'm getting really upset about this story. I've planned it out and it's almost done but all the chapters seem meaningless and basically the same thing over and over again. There's basically no plot, nothing interesting happens, and the writing sucks. Overall, I'm not really sure how I feel about it anymore because it used to excite me but now it just seems like I'm writing the same chapter over and over and over again because I have no fucking idea what to do with it. I guess I'll just try to finish it though I sort of really can't stand it anymore. 

Anyways, on a better note, I wrote this chapter quite well because I listened to Taking Back Sunday's new album (Tidal Wave- go buy it) on repeat while writing and oh my god it's so good please go listen Death Wolf and Holy Water are the best songs on it (in my opinion so far.)

Also though this story is pretty stupid, thank you a lot for 750 reads and I'm pretty sure I'll get to 1k by the end of this. I have two (ONLY TWO WHAT THE HELL) chapters left to write and they'll be decent but the next chapter sucks complete ass so don't be too upset with the lack of anything good in it WHY ON EARTH ARE MY AUTHOR'S NOTES SO LONG??? GO READ NOW I'M SORRY

// so close your eyes, i'll guard the door

// and when you wake, you'll wake with me


Alex had been hit by his father.

Which had happened before, and was just happening more and more consistently and Alex never really knew why he had been hit, well, he just knew that he must have done something wrong. The last time, he had been at Tom's funeral and had been adamant about not wanting to go. Dragged along by his parents regardless of his feelings, Alex had spent the entire funeral trying to breathe away all of his worries, which, not surprisingly, didn't work. He ended up leaving the service without telling anyone where he was going, and his father found him wandering around outside in the trees and wondering if things would be different if Tom was still alive.

The answer: they would be.

So Alex's dad shouted at him because, obviously, the easiest thing to do was just to simply sit in a room and not do anything at all, but everything that everyone had been saying about Tom and "what a shame" it was that he wasn't alive and that he had been "too young" had all gotten to Alex and Tom had always told him to drown everyone out at funerals because it was better not to hear anything at all when they went to a funeral of a family friend. Yet Tom had been alive for that one, holding Alex's hand so he wouldn't start shaking, and smiling at him when things got dreadfully serious and painful. But this was Tom's funeral, and no one was there to hold Alex's hand and make him feel better.

He thought a lot about the person designated to hold his hand these days, because that person was important and pretty, and that was before they had kissed on the hood of Jack's car but Alex still thought about him often but his thoughts were ruined by his father. So when Alex didn't reply to any of the angry words being shouted at him, and instead blatantly ignored his father, he had gotten hit.

Maybe he had understood it that time, because everyone was stressed and upset and he didn't want to blame his dad but then it happened again, and this time it was bad.

Alex knew that his parents were home as soon as he got there, because all of the telltale signs hung around the front of the house. The mailbox wasn't shut properly, the lights were on inside, the stones on the gravel path in front of their house had been moved to the side, everything seemed normal. Blood had already become a significant taste in his mouth, but the familiar flavor did nothing to bring him back out of his nervous daze, and he continued up the stairs of his house and in through the door as if nothing was wrong.

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