13. It will be okay

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You know the odd night where you sleep really good? You know just a long peaceful sleep, straight through the night, and you fall asleep instantly because everything seems to be 10 times more comfortable?

That's how I slept last night.

I feel like yesterday changed my life. Like I've turned down a dramatic turn and I don't know if it's good or bad yet, but I don't want to take a different path.

I decide to call Emily. We need to talk.

I call her and she picks up after a couple rings.

"Hey" she said through the phone.

"Hey Em, why don't you come over? We can talk" I offer.

"Alright that'd be nice I'll be over in a minute" she says and I hang up.

I wait nervously for her to come. I hope everything is okay.

I heard the doorbell, I open it and hug her.

"I missed you" I say.

"Me too" she said as her breath becomes uneven.

I look at her and tears are forming in her eyes, I know she doesn't like to cry.

"Come on let's go in my room to talk" I say.

When we get upstairs I ask her what's wrong, not prepared for the answer.

"So you know, your last year of high school is this year, and I won't be there right?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say as the feeling of sadness grows in me.

"Um, this is hard" she takes a minute before speaking again, choosing her words carefully.

"You know how I want to be an author, and I've been looking at universities for a while, and I found one that I really like and I applied" she started.

"That's great Emily, really" I say knowing that there is more.

"Taylor, I was accepted, I have to move, really, really far away, I wanted to wait until after the concert to tell you, I'm so so sorry, I don't want to leave but, but" Emily didn't finish.

She was crying and so was I. I pulled her into a hug.

The thing is, I knew this day would come, I knew she would have to leave, but I just didn't expect it to be that far.

"Look I know this is going to be hard, trust me I know, I feel like the most terrible person, I don't want to have to leave" she said.

"No, you have to go, this is your dream Emily, you'll write an amazing book and it will be published and you'll be a famous author, you'll live your dream I'm happy for you" I say.

I truly am happy for her, but how am I not supposed to be sad? My one and only best friend has to leave.

"Now I won't always be there when you need me to be, but you can call me anytime and I'll try my best to answer, I promise" she says.

"I'll be okay" I say.

"I know you will, and Taylor, you need to do whatever you can to stick with those guys, but I don't think it will take much" Emily starts.

"Something great will come out of this for you, I know it, you can do whatever you want. Listen to me, don't let anything hold you back, live freely, take risks, have fun. These guys can take you where you always wanted to go, this has been a blessing, I am so happy for you" she says.

"You need to tell me everything about you, I want to learn about your adventures with your favourite 4 boys alright? Call me, text me, tell me, I want to know everything, because your story will be worth telling" she finished.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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