2. Sleepovers ft. The Wiggles

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So it's been two years, and long story short, my life is literally the same to be honest.

It's grade 11 and I still have no clue what I want to do with my life yet. The stress is real.

I still only have one friend; Emily who is awesome. She isn't really a Fangirl but she loves to read and so do I and we talk about books and she lets me rant about 5sos so she's great.

She knows how much I love them and she doesn't judge me. I am proud that I can actually be myself around someone (even though it took like 2 years).

5sos are currently touring!! So that's exciting!

My room is constantly filled with the noise of their music. 

"Taylor you're going to be late!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming" I say with a laugh.

I walk downstairs, said a farewell to my mom, and left to go to the hell hole called school.

Even though I am passing all of my grades, I don't like it one bit. I am always bored out of my mind, and plus, with all of this 5sos stuff happening so fast, I just a need a break.

But the good news is, in only 2 days............ ITS MY BIRTHDAY YAY!

I'm not really doing anything because I'm not really a party type girl as you can probably tell. Technically, I wouldn't know if I even was a "party girl" because quite frankly, I've never been to one. I know I'm lame. Turning 17 and never been to a party. Yikes. There's one for the resume.

I am still excited because my family always gives me some money so that will be great. I can get some more band shirts and merchandise!

My parents aren't rich or anything. We have a budget, I know they are struggling with house payments, plus I've been in dance classes since I was three and they've insisted they pay for it because it is one of my true passions and they love to see me dance. Bless them.

I love to dance (guess you can say I'm not bad at it) and I am so thankful for my parents so I don't expect much from them, I just want them to be happy.


School was the same everyday.

I'm a bit into the second semester so I have Dance as an elective which is good so now just most of the day is boring.

Tomorrow Emily is sleeping over for my birthday that's pretty cool!

Sorry. I know I'm all over the place. I am just excited.

Anyway where was I? Oh yes. I was bored.

School is almost over and as soon as the bell rings I grab my bag and dart out the door. When I get to my locker to grab my things, some guy in my grade is beating up some freshman, I remember those days.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT" the guy shouts at me.

I am so done. I honestly don't care anymore.

"Nothing worth my time" I reply and I hear some guys saying stuff like "ohhhhhhhh" "SAVAGE" "kill EM" and I just keep walking with a slight smirk on my face.

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