The Truth is Out There

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"Look at reflection in the cup, Calley. Tell me what you see." I asked grimly.

"Wh-what-what's wrong with my.... my eyes? My skin? Why am I so pale? Why are my eyes black?"

The questions just kept rolling out of her mouth, more questions than I could follow, but I tried to comfort her while answering as many of her questions as I possibly could without adding fuel to the fire.

"Firstly, Calley, you're no longer human which is why your skin is so pale and why your eyes have changed in color. Secondly, I made you this way with my blood and I'm now really regretting it. I should have never listened to him. I've changed you and your fair human beauty."

"Listen to who?" Calley implored rather quickly.

"It's a long story, Calley, and right now, I think we need to get a move on before the nearby villages stop by and see we are the only two survivors left. They might think we had something to do with the bodies that are piled up outside. They may even falsely accuse us of being dark practitioners."

"You did do that, Caen." Calley said in a whisper. And I didn't misinterpret her meaning neither. She meant that only I was responsible for the blood on my hands... she was right, I am responsible.

"I know I did. One day I will fix the mistakes I have made, but that day is not today. Today we pack as much as we can cloth wise and food wise and leave before other villages unexpectedly show up to ask about all the commotion from the previous night."

"Will you at least tell me the story while we pack?" Calley asked softly, the sixteen year old child surfacing.

"Sure, sister."

As we packed, I told her of how I had gotten lost and mistakenly taken a path that I did not know of. I told her of the parasites and the voice and what I was told I was going to do. Calley asked about the prophecy and of what I was going to do and after a few minutes of silence I told her what the voice told me; change history. I told her of how the voice helped me save her and how it guides me at times. She was weary of the voice as was I, but I knew of no one else that could help us. This sort of thing has never happened before in our history's history.

We packed our things in complete silence after that and set out on a journey to find a more suitable place for us to stay. We were no longer human and with both of us still trying to take control over the call of blood, I knew we needed somewhere close to population — but somewhere not too close. It was a long walk to our new place, the sun was getting ready to come up and just as it was raising the voice spoke once again.

"You must get her to a dark place quickly! The sun will kill her!" It hissed urgently.

I picked her up, cradled her to my chest and ran as fast as I could to a real dense spot in the woods just as the sun was peaking over the trees. Her hand got caught in the sunlight and within seconds, a crackling sound reached my ears and the smell of burnt flesh tickled my nose. Her high pitched screams filled the morning air, I could feel her pain and suffering almost as if I had been burned by the sun as well. I sat her down under the trees and examined her hand. It was blistered and swollen almost like a snake bite victim, or a poisonous spider bite would look.

Within a matter of minutes her hand was completely healed, almost like it never happened to begin with. I stared at her hand in awe as the voice whispered inside my mind.

"Your blood has a regenerative gene attached to your DNA now, not only regenerative, but so many more things you can do that no other will ever be able to do at one time. Every human that is turned will get the speed, strength, agility and heightened senses, and one special piece of yourself. It's hard to say what they will receive, only time will be able to tell. Your sister for instance, she can read minds as well as you, a gift she got through the transition of immortality."

Truly Immortal (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz