Of course I wouldn't kill Isa. She was important to me in a way that was unexplainable. I enjoyed her company, the vibe we shared, and our friendship in general. It would be just evil for me to kill someone like her. Someone so innocent and genuine.

"Why, Andreson?"

"Because..you are my friend, Isa." I shrugged.

"We weren't friends when you kidnapped me." She said. "I still just don't understand."

"I didn't wanna hurt you." I said. "It's not really that big of a deal, is it?"

She shook her head, "No, nevermind."

"How come you've never told anyone about me?"

"I don't know." She smiled. "I guess it's a good thing that I didn't."

I smirked, "You think so?"

"Of course, Andreson." She said as she looked into my eyes. "I value the friendship we have. It's important to me. You're important to me."

Just looking into her eyes made me want something more than a friendship. She was so sweet and everything a perfect girl could be.

"What do you usually do on Friday nights?"

"I go to a party." She smiled. "We dance, eat, and just zone out to the music and have a ton of fun."

"That sounds fun." I chuckled.

"Well, yeah?" She sarcastically laughed. "You've never been to a party before?"

"Yeah, but only the expensive balls that my parents do for every occasion they feel is important." I said. "We dress up in the cleanest and most luxurious clothes and stand around eating finger foods and gossiping about who is richer than who."

"Come on, Andreson." She grabbed me by the arm and tried to pull me off of the couch.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm going to bring you to a real party!" She exclaimed. "Don't you wanna see what it's like?"


After we left the subway station, Isa and I began making our way to her place in the Bronx. Even though I knew my way around pretty much the whole New York City, I've never been to other projects besides in East Harlem or even Brooklyn. I made sure that I kept Isa close to my side just in case anything popped off, but she kept reminding me that we were safe because she knew everyone who lived here.

That didn't stop me from bringing my gun.

Almost everyone that we passed warmly greeted Isa. I guess that she wasn't exaggerating after all. The sound of loud Hispanic music blasting through speakers got louder as we approached the large crowd of people surrounding the complex. They were downing bottles of beer, and even straight liqueur. Some people were smoking and eating freshly grilled food, but a majority of the crowd were dancing with each other to the catchy music.

I had never seen a party so wild. They were having fun being completely careless, not caring how drunk they got. They didn't care how crazy they looked while they danced. Everyone was getting along so well, vibing and having so much fun together. This is what a real party was.

Isa didn't push for me to go with the crowd because she knew that I was more comfortable not being around people who knew who I was. She sat next to me at the table, making sure that I filled my stomach with all the food and drinks she was giving me. She went on and on about the dancing techniques that her friends used to salsa dance and to move along to the beat of Hispanic music.

I enjoyed watching the crowd while listening to Isa inform me about party tips. After the party was over, we began making our way back to the subway station.

"Thank you, Isa." I smiled. "I really had some fun."

"I'm glad you did." She said. "And, you are very much welcome."

"You know..my birthday is coming up very soon." I said. "August fourth."

"How could I forget?" She chuckled. "What do you plan on doing?"

"Well, I don't plan on doing anything." I sighed. "But, my parents want to throw me this huge party in the ballroom. My mom insisted that everyone wears white so we can all look like royalty."

She laughed, "Wow, sounds quite fancy."

"Yeah, which is so boring." I laughed. "I'm gonna be 16. I don't understand why they think I want to have some boring rich people get-together to celebrate. I'd rather be watching a movie and smoking a good blunt."

We both laughed after my comment. I loved how Isa and I understood each other so well. "It's not surprising to hear that come out of your mouth."

"Isa, I wanted you to come with me." I said.

"You want me to accompany you to your fancy birthday party?" She laughed.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled. "I think you'd be the best birthday present."

"You're so corny!" She nudged me in the arm. "You know I'll be there, Andreson."

"Thanks." I smiled. "We'll have fun, I promise."

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